psup-impl 0.4.0

Process supervisor with inter-process communication over tokio Unix sockets

Process supervisor with inter-process communication support using tokio.

Currently only supports Unix, later we plan to add support for Windows using named pipes.


Supervisor manages child processes sending socket information using the environment and then switching to Unix domain sockets for inter-process communication. Daemon processes are restarted if they die without being shutdown by the supervisor.

use psup::{Result, Task, SupervisorBuilder};

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let worker_cmd = "worker-process";
let supervisor = SupervisorBuilder::new(Box::new(|stream| {
let (reader, mut writer) = stream.into_split();
// Handle worker connections here
// Block the process here and do your work.


Worker reads the socket information from the environment and then connects to the Unix socket.

use psup::{Result, worker};

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Read supervisor information from the environment 
// and set up the IPC channel with the supervisor
let worker = Worker::new(|stream| {
let (reader, mut writer) = stream.into_split();
// Start sending messages to the supervisor
// Block the process here and do your work.