Crate pstoedit

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Rust bindings to pstoedit.

This crate contains Rust bindings to pstoedit, a C++ program that can translate PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats.


Multiple versions of pstoedit are supported, but the appropriate feature starting with pstoedit_ has to be enabled.

  • pstoedit_4_00: compatible with pstoedit version 4.00–4.01, and likely with future 4.xx releases.
  • No feature starting with pstoedit_: compatible with pstoedit version 3.17–3.78.


First, the init function must be called. Then, interaction with pstoedit is possible using Command or DriverInfo.


use pstoedit::{DriverInfo, Command};


// For every driver ...
for driver in &DriverInfo::get()? {
    let format = driver.symbolic_name()?;
    let extension = driver.extension()?;
    let output_name = format!("output-{}.{}", format, extension);

    // ... convert to that format
    Command::new().args_slice(&["-f", format, ""])?.arg(output_name)?.run()?;




  • Command builder for generic pstoedit interaction.


  • Enumerations of possible errors during interaction with pstoedit.


  • Initialize connection to pstoedit. Must be called before calling any other function that requires a connection to pstoedit.

Type Aliases§

  • Type of the result returned by many methods.