psi-lang 0.3.0

A language for configuration and extension
// Root
stmts = { SOI ~ delim* ~ (stmt ~ delim*)* ~ stmt? ~  EOI }
stmt = { fn_call | var_assign | ifs | fn_def | comment | 
		 for_stmt | loop_stmt | loop_control | return_stmt |
         while_stmt | single_shot | import_stmt }
expr = { contains | not | fn_call | comb }
block = { "{" ~ delim* ~ (stmt ~ delim*)* ~ stmt? ~ "}" }

// If statements
ifs = { if_stmt ~ else_if_stmt* ~ else_stmt? }
if_stmt = { "if" ~ expr ~ block }
else_if_stmt = { "else if" ~ expr ~ block }
else_stmt = { "else" ~ block }

// While statement
while_stmt = { "while" ~ expr ~ block }

// For statements
for_stmt = { "for" ~ "("? ~ args ~ ")"? ~ "in" ~ iterable ~ block }

// Loop statement
loop_stmt = { "loop" ~ block }
loop_control = { break_stmt | continue_stmt }
break_stmt = { "break" }
continue_stmt = { "continue" }

// Contains expression
contains = { atom ~ "in" ~ iterable }
iterable = { array | table | var_index | inclusive | exclusive | identifier }

// Imports
import_stmt = { "import" ~ identifier ~ ("as" ~ identifier)? }

// Functions
fn_call = { identifier ~ "(" ~ expr? ~ ("," ~ expr)* ~ ","? ~  ")" }
fn_def = { "fn" ~ identifier ~ "(" ~ args ~ ")" ~ block }
args = { identifier_part? ~ ("," ~ identifier_part)* ~ ","? }
return_stmt = @{ "return" ~ " "* ~ return_expr }
return_expr = !{ expr? }

// Variable assignment
var_assign = { identifier ~ "=" ~ expr }
identifier = { identifier_part ~ ("." ~ identifier_part)* }
identifier_part = @{ !(reserved ~ !(letter)) ~ letter ~ (letter | digit | "_")* }

// Arithmetic, logic and comparison
single_shot = { ss_sub | ss_add | ss_mul | ss_div | ss_rem | ss_pow }
ss_sub = { identifier ~ "-=" ~ expr }
ss_add = { identifier ~ "+=" ~ expr }
ss_mul = { identifier ~ "*=" ~ expr }
ss_div = { identifier ~ "/=" ~ expr }
ss_rem = { identifier ~ "%=" ~ expr }
ss_pow = { identifier ~ "^=" ~ expr }

comb = { eq ~ ((and | or) ~ eq)? }
eq = { comp ~ ((equals | not_equals) ~ comp)? }
comp = { sub ~ ((greater_eq | less_eq | greater | less) ~ sub)? }
sub = { add ~ ("-" ~ add)* }
add = { mul ~ ("+" ~ mul)* }
mul = { div ~ ("*" ~ div)* }
div = { rem ~ ("/" ~ rem)* }
rem = { pow ~ ("%" ~ pow)* }
pow = { var_index ~ ("^" ~ var_index)* }
var_index = { atom ~ ("[" ~ expr ~ "]")* }
atom = { datatype | "(" ~ expr ~ ")" | sign | identifier }
sign = { (positive | negative) ~ (float | integer | sign) }
not = { ("not" | "!") ~ expr }
positive = { "+" }
negative = { "-" }
equals = { "==" }
not_equals = { "!=" }
greater = { ">" }
less = { "<" }
greater_eq = { ">=" }
less_eq = { "<=" }
and = { "and" }
or = { "or" }

// Datatypes
datatype = { boolean | array | table | inclusive | exclusive | float | integer | string }
table = { "{" ~ (table_pair ~ ("," ~ table_pair)*)? ~ ","? ~ "}" }
table_pair = { datatype ~ ":" ~ expr }
array = { "[" ~ (expr ~ ("," ~ expr)*)? ~ ","? ~ "]" }
inclusive = { bound ~ "..." ~ bound }
exclusive = { bound ~ ".." ~ bound }
bound = { "(" ~ expr ~ ")" | sign | integer | identifier }
boolean = @{ "true" | "false" }
float = @{ digit+ ~ "." ~ digit+ }
integer = @{ digit+ }
string = ${ "\"" ~ string_part* ~ "\"" }
string_part = { string_esc | string_expr | string_char }
string_esc = { string_brack | string_quote }
string_brack = { "\\{" }
string_quote = { "\\\"" }
string_char = { (!("\"" | "{" | string_esc) ~ ANY)+ }
string_expr = !{ "{" ~ expr ~ "}" }

// Tokens
letter = _{ 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' }
digit = _{ '0'..'9' }

// Reserved keywords
reserved = { "in" | "and" | "or" | "true" | "false" | "not" | "if" | 
             "else" | "fn" | "for" | "loop" | "continue" | "break" | 
             "return" | "while" | "import" | "as" }

// Text to ignore
comment = ${ 
	"/*" ~ (!("*/") ~ ANY)* ~ "*/" | // Multiline comments
    "//" ~ (!("\n") ~ ANY)* ~ "\n"   // Single line comments

delim = _{ ";" | "\n" }

WHITESPACE = _{ " " | "\n" | "\t" }