psd 0.1.4

A Rust API for parsing and working with PSD files.
# virtual-dom-rs Changelog

Types of changes:

- `[added]` for new features.
- `[changed]` for changes in existing functionality.
- `[deprecated]` for once-stable features removed in upcoming releases.
- `[removed]` for deprecated features removed in this release.
- `[fixed]` for any bug fixes.
- `[security]` to invite users to upgrade in case of vulnerabilities.

## Not Yet Published

_Here we list notable things that have been merged into the master branch but have not been released yet._

- ...

## 0.1.3

- [added] better support for grayscale images. Still not perfect and the colors will be slightly (usually around 10 or so units out of 255) off.

## 0.1.2

- [fixed] `.rgba()` methods for image data sections and layer and information sections that only have one channel (grayscale)