psbt 0.7.0-alpha.2

Partially signed bitcoin transaction v0-2 library (bip174, bip370, bip371)

PSBT bitcoin library, providing all PSBT functionality from [bitcoin] library, plus

  • constructor, supporting miniscript-based descriptors, input descriptors, all sighash types, spendings from P2C, S2C-tweaked inputs ([construct]);
  • advanced signer, supporting pre-segwit, bare and nested segwit v0, taproot key and path spendings, different forms of tweaks & commitments, all sighash types ([sign]);
  • commitment-related features: managing tapret-, P2C and S2C-related proprietary keys;
  • utility methods for fee computing, lexicographic reordering etc;
  • command-line utility for editing PSBT data (WIP).