ps-mem 0.2.5

The process memory size listing
name = "ps-mem"
version = "0.2.5"
authors = ["aki <>"]
description = """
The process memory size listing
keywords = ["memory", "command", "linux"]
categories = ["command-line-interface"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
readme = ""
build = ""
edition = "2018"
repository = ""

name = "libps_mem"
path = "src/"
crate-type = ["lib"]

name = "ps-mem"
path = "src/"
bench = false

name = "integration"
path = "tests/"

default = []
debian_build = []

anyhow = "1.0"
flood-tide = { version="0.2", default-features=true, features=["stop_at_mm"] }
runnel = "0.3"
memx-cdy = "0.1"

num-format = "0.4"
signal-hook = "0.3"
linux-procfs = { version = "0.3", default-features=false, features=["has_pidentry_status_state", "has_pidentry_status_vm_hwm"] }

assert-text = "0.2"
exec-target = "0.2"
regex = "1.5"

rust-version-info-file = "0.1"

members = [

features = ["debian_build"]
section = "AAA-admin"
priority = "optional"
maintainer = "aki <>"
extended-description = """\
The process memory size listing
depends = "$auto"
separate-debug-symbols = true
assets = [
    ["target/release/ps-mem", "usr/sbin/", "755"],
    ["target/rust-version-info.txt", "usr/share/doc/ps-mem/", "644"],
    ["", "usr/share/doc/ps-mem/", "644"],