prust_test 0.1.2

A crate that utilizes prust_core and provides a cli to send/receive the PUS-C tm/tc packets defined on it.

# Prust-Test
Prust-Test is a tool to send and recieve telecommand and telemetry packets of [PUS-C]( from a command line.

## Usage
After installing, type
Then you will see the list of ports connected.  
Enter your device index from the list when prompted then you may use the CLI!
You can get help by:
>> help


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    exec_func       Sends a request to execute a function defined
    help            Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    new_report      Creates new housekeeping report structure
    one_shot        Sends a one shot request for the specified hk id
    periodic_dis    Disables peridic report of parameters of the given struct ids
    periodic_en     Enables peridic report of parameters of the given struct ids
    q               quit

For more on  ```prust_test``` check the wiki page: [How to Use Prust Test](

## Available Telecommands
|Name | Telecommand Description |
|exec_func|     TC[8,1] perform a function|
|new_report|    TC[3,1] create a housekeeping parameter report structure|
|one_shot|     TC[3,27] generate a one shot report for housekeeping parameter report structures|
|periodic_en|      TC[3,5] enable the periodic generation of housekeeping parameter reports|
|periodic_dis|    TC[3,6] disable the periodic generation of housekeeping parameter reports|

## Requirements
For GNU Linux pkg-config headers are required:
Ubuntu: sudo apt install pkg-config  
Fedora: sudo dnf install pkgconf-pkg-config

Libudev headers are needed for gnu linux.
Ubuntu: sudo apt install libudev-dev  
Fedora: sudo dnf install systemd-devel
For windows some build tools will be required (Will be warned by the OS about that after you try to run the program).
Nightly rust is required.
rustup default nightly  
## Install
cargo install prust_test