proxer 0.1.0

Access the ProxerMe API with Rust

libproxer-rust Build Status

This is a small project to learn some rust basics. I don't expect that this will ever be stable ready for production use.

Accessing the Proxer API

  let prxr = proxer::Api::new("");

  let foo =;

  if foo.is_err() {
      match foo.unwrap_err() {
          proxer::error::Error::Http => println!("interwebs error"),
          proxer::error::Error::Json => println!("I cant understand your Json"),
          proxer::error::Error::Api(e) => println!("API error: {}", e),
          proxer::error::Error::Unknown => println!("i dont know what happened"),

  // everything went fine
  println!("{:#?}", foo.unwrap());

This example creates a api object and fetches the full data for an entry