provola 0.1.5

A tool for quick development/test cycle in any language
provola-0.1.5 is not a library.


Provola, provalo, just test it!

provola is your best cheese friend when you need to test code quickly.

Just create an input file, an expected output file and a program to digest the input and provola will test your program automatically whenever you change the code.

# Create a simple haskell program
echo 'main = interact reverse' > reverse.hs

# An input for your nice program
echo -n abcd > in.txt

# The expected output
echo -n dcba > out.txt

# Run provola!
provola -i in.txt -o out.txt -s reverse.hs -w .

Shell auto completion

provola provides shell autocompletion for even faster usage.

You can install autocompletion for yout favourite shell:

provola --generate zsh > ~/.zfunc/_provola

Supported languages

Language Build Run
Bash /
C++ gcc
C gcc
Haskell stack ghc
JavaScript node
Rust rustc

Test frameworks

provola is able to use test runners generated by common test frameworks.


provola -T GoogleTest -t path/to/gtest/executable

This is a (work in progress) list of supported frameworks:

Framework Language
Google Test C++