prototty 0.16.0

Utilities for easily and efficiently rendering to a terminal.


Version Documentation

Definition of types and traits for describing how to render a type to a grid of characters (such as a terminal). Also provides an input type to simplify making an application that works with multiple frontends.


Let's make a title element which renders a single line of text, within a fixed width rectangle of height 1. The entire source code for this example is in the "examples/title" directory in this repo.

extern crate prototty;
use prototty::*;

// Define a type representing the element
pub struct Title {
    pub width: u32,
    pub text: String,

// Define a type representing how the element will be rendered.
pub struct TitleView;

// Describe how a TitleView renders a Title by implementing View.
impl View<Title> for TitleView {
    fn view<G: ViewGrid>(&self, title: &Title, offset: Coord, depth: i32, grid: &mut G) {
        for (i, ch) in title.text.chars().enumerate() {
            if let Some(cell) = grid.get_mut(offset + Coord::new(i as i32, 0), depth) {

// What if we want a way to rendered titles centered within their width?
pub struct CenteredTitleView;
impl View<Title> for CenteredTitleView {
    fn view<G: ViewGrid>(&self, title: &Title, offset: Coord, depth: i32, grid: &mut G) {
        let space = ::std::cmp::max(title.width as i32 - title.text.len() as i32, 0) / 2;
        for (i, ch) in title.text.chars().enumerate() {
            if let Some(cell) = grid.get_mut(offset + Coord::new(space + i as i32, 0), depth) {

// Let's demonstrate both of these in action by rendering a title
// twice - once left aligned, an once centered:
pub struct DemoTitleView;
impl View<Title> for DemoTitleView {
    fn view<G: ViewGrid>(&self, title: &Title, offset: Coord, depth: i32, grid: &mut G) {

        // render the title left-aligned in the top-left corner
        TitleView.view(title, offset, depth, grid);

        // render the title centered 2 lines down
        CenteredTitleView.view(title, offset + Coord::new(0, 2), depth, grid);

We can now render a Title with 3 of different views:

  • TitleView renders a Title left-aligned
  • CenteredTitleView renders a Title centered within its width
  • DemoTitleView renders a Title twice, using the other two views

This isn't much use by itself. To actually get something onto a screen, we'll need a frontend. Continue this example in:

Or see how to decorate it with a border in prototty-common.