protoc-grpcio 1.0.1

API for programatically invoking the grpcio (grpc-rs) gRPC compiler
# protoc-grpcio
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A programmatic API to the
[grpc-rs compiler](

## Requirements

- You must have Google's Protocol Buffer compiler (`protoc`) installed and in

## Example ``

For a project laid out like so:
$ tree
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    ├── protos
    │   ├── example
    │   │   └── diner.proto
    │   └──

3 directories, 7 files

The `` might look like:
extern crate protoc_grpcio;

fn main() {
    let proto_root = "src/protos";
    println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", proto_root);
    ).expect("Failed to compile gRPC definitions!");

## Example `Cargo.toml`

And the `Cargo.toml` might look like:
# ...
build = ""

name = "protos"
path = "src/protos/"

name = "server"
path = "src/"

name = "client"
path = "src/"

futures = "0.1.16"
grpcio = "0.2.0"
protobuf = "1.4.1"

protoc-grpcio = "0.3.1"

You can inspect this example under [`example/`](example) by compiling and running the example
server in one shell session:
cargo run --manifest-path example/Cargo.toml --bin server
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 27.97 secs
     Running `example/target/debug/server`
listening on

And then running the client in another:
$ cargo run --manifest-path example/Cargo.toml --bin client 34431
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.28 secs
     Running `example/target/debug/client 34431`
Ate items: SPAM items: EGGS and got charged $0.30

## Credits

Credit to both the TiKV project developers for
([grpc-rs]( and Stepan Koltsov
(@stepancheg, [rust-protobuf](
for their amazing work bringing Protocol Buffers and gRPC support to Rust.