protobuf-convert 0.1.0

Macros for convenient serialization of Rust data structures into/from Protocol Buffers

Macros for convenient serialization of Rust data structures into/from Protocol Buffers.


This is a fork of exonum-derive with some changes to allow easier integration with other projects, and some new features.


First, add the dependency in Cargo.toml:

protobuf-convert = "0.1.0"

Then, define a ProtobufConvert trait:

trait ProtobufConvert {
    /// Type of the protobuf clone of Self 
    type ProtoStruct;

    /// Struct -> ProtoStruct
    fn to_pb(&self) -> Self::ProtoStruct;

    /// ProtoStruct -> Struct
    fn from_pb(pb: Self::ProtoStruct) -> Result<Self, Error>;

And to use it, import the trait and the macro:

For example, given the following protobuf:

message Ping {
    fixed64 nonce = 1;

rust-protobuf will generate the following struct:

#[cfg_attr(feature = "with-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Ping {
    // message fields
    pub nonce: u64,
    // special fields
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "with-serde", serde(skip))]
    pub unknown_fields: ::protobuf::UnknownFields,
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "with-serde", serde(skip))]
    pub cached_size: ::protobuf::CachedSize,

We may want to convert that struct into a more idiomatic one, and derive more traits. This is the necessary code:

// Import trait
use crate::proto::ProtobufConvert;
// Import macro
use protobuf_convert::ProtobufConvert;
// Import module autogenerated by protocol buffers
use crate::proto::schema;

#[protobuf_convert(pb = "schema::Ping")]
struct Ping {
    nonce: u64,

Note that the ProtobufConvert trait must be implemented for all the fields, see an example implementation for u64:

impl ProtobufConvert for u64 {
    type ProtoStruct = u64;
    fn to_pb(&self) -> Self::ProtoStruct {
    fn from_pb(pb: Self::ProtoStruct) -> Result<Self, Error> {

Now, converting between Ping and schema::Ping can be done effortlessly.

A more complex example, featuring enums:

message Ping {
    fixed64 nonce = 1;
message Pong {
    fixed64 nonce = 1;
message Message {
    oneof kind {
        Ping Ping = 1;
        Pong Pong = 2;
#[protobuf_convert(pb = "schema::Ping")]
struct Ping {
    nonce: u64,
#[protobuf_convert(pb = "schema::Pong")]
struct Pong {
    nonce: u64,
#[protobuf_convert(pb = "schema::Message")]
enum Message {

And it just works!

See also