[][src]Crate proto_vulcan

A miniKanren-family relational logic programming language embedded in Rust.

In addition to core miniKanren language, proto-vulcan currently supports disequality constraints CLP(Tree), finite-domain constraints CLP(FD), as well as pattern-matching (match) operator. The user can write additional relations and operators as Rust functions, and even customize logic terms.

The language is embedded into Rust with macros which parse the language syntax and convert it into Rust.

Syntax overview

Proto-vulcan has two kinds of goal-constructors: operators and relations. Operators operate on goals, and relations relate logic terms.

Operators are written with curly-bracket block with list of goals.

<operator> {

It is up to the operator what to do with the goals; some operators compute disjunction, and some conjunction.

Pattern-matching operators have an additional tree-term parameter and a map from patterns to goals. Each arm of the operator has a pattern or a set of patterns; if any of the patterns of an arm unify with the tree-term, then the operator may produce solutions from the goal of that branch if it succeeds as well.

<operator> <tree-term> {
    <pattern0> | <pattern1> => <goal1>,
    <pattern2> => <goal2>,

Relations are functions that can have any number of tree-term parameters, for example: foo(<tree-term1>, <tree-term2>). The tree-terms can be:

  • Literal constants: 1234, "foo", 'c', true
  • Variables: a, b, c, d
  • Any-variables: _
  • Proper lists: [1, 2, 3, 'c']
  • Improper lists: [first, second | rest]
  • Trees: [[1, 2], "foo", false]

Core miniKanren language (fresh, conde, ==) is mapped into two Proto-vulcan operators and one relation.


Fresh logic variables are declared with ||-operator with a familiar Rust-style syntax as:

|a, b, c| {

where a, b and c are new logic variables that are visible in the block-scope. The fresh-operator computes conjunction of the goals in the block body. A plain conjunction would therefore be || {<goal1>, <goal2>, ...}. There is also an alternative syntax for conjunctions where no new logic variables are presented: [<goal1>, <goal2>, ...].


Interleaving disjunction is declared with conde-operator as:

conde {


Equality is declared with eq(u, v)-relation, which has a built-in alternative syntax u == v.

|u, v| {
    u == v,


Pattern matching to the tree-terms is done with the match-operator, which corresponds to miniKanren matche. Matche, matchu, and matcha are also available.

pub fn membero<U: User>(x: LTerm, l: LTerm) -> Goal<U> {
    proto_vulcan_closure!(match l {
        [head | _] => head == x,
        [_ | rest] => membero(x, rest),


For the same effect as miniKanren's everyg, proto-vulcan uses the for-operator, which ensures that a goal g succeeds for all x in collection coll. The collection must be such that it implements IntoIterator<Item = &LTerm>.

This example is not tested
for x in &coll {

Embedding in Rust

To embed proto-vulcan in Rust, four macros are used: proto_vulcan!, proto_vulcan_closure!, proto_vulcan_query!, and lterm!.

  • proto_vulcan!(<goal>) declares a Proto-vulcan goal, and returns a Rust variable of type Goal.
  • proto_vulcan_closure!(<goal>) declares a Proto-vulcan goal, and returns a Rust variable of type Goal. The goal expression is evaluated lazily when the goal is evaluated. The closure takes ownership of all variables referenced within the closure.
  • proto_vulcan_query!(|a, b, c| { <goal> }) defines a Proto-vulcan query with query-variables a, b and c. The returned value is a Query-struct, that when run, produces an iterator that can be used to iterate over valid solutions to the logic program. The iterator returns a struct with fields named after the query variables.
  • lterm!(<tree-term>) declares a logic tree-term in Rust code, which can be passed to proto-vulcan program within proto_vulcan! or proto_vulcan_query!, or compared with results.


A simple example of a Proto-vulcan program that declares a disjunction of query variable q being equal to 1, 2 or 3.

extern crate proto_vulcan;
use proto_vulcan::*;

fn main() {
    let query = proto_vulcan_query!(|q| {
        conde {
            q == 1,
            q == 2,
            q == 3,

    for result in query.run() {
        println!("q = {}", result.q);

The example program produces three solutions:

q = 1
q = 2
q = 3

Declaring relations

Proto-vulcan relations are implemented as Rust-functions that have LTerm-type parameters, and Goal return value. Because proto-vulcan is parametrized by generic User-type, functions must be made generic with respect to it if we want to use anything other than the default EmptyUser. A simple function example that implements a relation that succeeds when argument s is an empty list is declared as:

extern crate proto_vulcan;
use proto_vulcan::*;

pub fn emptyo<U: User>(s: LTerm) -> Goal<U> {
    proto_vulcan!([] == s)

Declaring operators

The signature of operators is different from relations. Operators have different kinds of parameters, of which only OperatorParam and PatternMatchOperatorParam are of interest to user; the parser generates these parameter types for regular operators and pattern-match operators, respectively.

pub struct OperatorParam<'a, U: User> {
    pub body: &'a [&'a [Goal<U>]],

// operator <term> {
//    <pattern0> | <pattern1> => <body0/1>,
//    <pattern2> => <body2>,
//    ...
//    _ => <body_default>,
// }
pub struct PatternMatchOperatorParam<'a, U: User> {
    // First goal of each arm is the match-goal
    pub arms: &'a [&'a [Goal<U>]],

Even though the structs are identical, the first goal on each arm of PatternMatchOperatorParam is the pattern and the match-term equality.

For example onceo can be implemented as:

extern crate proto_vulcan;
use proto_vulcan::*;
use proto_vulcan::operator::condu;
use proto_vulcan::operator::OperatorParam;

pub fn onceo<U: User>(param: OperatorParam<U>) -> Goal<U> {
   let g = crate::operator::all::All::from_conjunctions(param.body);
   proto_vulcan!(condu { g })


The relation-constructor calls within proto_vulcan!-macro are evaluated immediately when the relation-constructor containing the macro is called; relations within proto-vulcan! are just function calls. Recursive relations must instead use proto_vulcan_closure!-macro, that puts the function calls and necessary context into a closure that will be evaluated later.

extern crate proto_vulcan;
use proto_vulcan::*;

pub fn appendo(l: LTerm, s: LTerm, ls: LTerm) -> Goal {
       match [l, s, ls] {
           [[], x, x] => ,
           [[x | l1], l2, [x | l3]] => appendo(l1, l2, l3),

Constraint Logic Programming


Proto-vulcan implements disequality constraint for tree-terms with built-in syntax: x != y.


extern crate proto_vulcan;
use proto_vulcan::*;
fn main() {
    let query = proto_vulcan_query!(|x, y| {
        [x, 1] != [2, y],

    for result in query.run() {
        println!("{}", result);

Because the variables are not fully constrained, they can be anything except specific values, and the output of the example is:

x: _.3  where  { _.3 != 2 }
y: _.4  where  { _.4 != 1 }


Proto-vulcan implements finite-domain constraints. For disequality, a diseqfd(x, y)-relation must be used instead of x != y. Other supported CLP(FD) constraints are: distinctfd, ltefd ltfd, plusfd, minusfd and timesfd. Domains are assigned to variables with infd or infdrange. See n-queens-example for code using finite-domain constraints.

Projection of variables

For projecting variables there is a built-in operator project |x, y, z| { <body> }, where variables already declared earlier, can be projected within the operator body as specified by the projection list |x, y, z|.


Proto-vulcan assumes that all arguments to relations are of type LTerm. If the argument is not of type LTerm, then it must be quoted with #-prefix, in order to be passed to the relation as-is. For examples of usage, see the n-queens example in repository.

Embedding Rust into Proto-vulcan

Sometimes it is useful to write goals in Rust and embed them in Proto-vulcan with the built-in operator fngoal |state| { <rust-code> }, where state is the current value of the State-monad. The function must return a Stream<U>, that can be obtained by applying the returned goal to the input state. For example, a goal that always succeeds, can be written as:

fn example() -> Goal {
        fngoal |state| {
            // There could be more Rust here modifying the `state`

See more complex example in reification.rs of Proto-vulcan itself.

User extensions

By defining a struct that implements the Clone- Debug- and User-traits, the search State-monad can be extended with any kind of information that gets cloned along with the search when it forks, and discarded when branches fail. This can be used to add additional clone-on-write constraint-stores, for example. The user-defined state can be accessed wherever State is available, such as in in fngoal |state| { }-functions and in constraints.

The User-trait provides optional hooks that the user can implement. What hooks there should be is still largely TBD.

Another way of extending Proto-vulcan is LTerms that implement UserUnify-trait. User defined state is not available in user defined unification, as LTerm is not parametrized by the user state type.


pub use goal::Goal;
pub use goal::Solver;
pub use lterm::LTerm;
pub use lvalue::LValue;
pub use state::Constraint;
pub use user::User;
pub use user::UserUnify;







Disjunction operator.