prosafe_exporter 0.2.2

Prometheus exporter for NETGEAR switches supported by ProSAFE Plus utility
# prosafe_exporter
[Prometheus]( exporter for NETGEAR switches supported by ProSAFE Plus utility.

[![Build Status](](

## Exported Metrics

| metric                       | description                        | labels                         |
| ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| prosafe_up                   | The last query is successful       |                                |
| prosafe_receive_bytes_total  | Incoming transfer in bytes         | port                           |
| prosafe_transmit_bytes_total | Outgoing transfer in bytes         | port                           |
| prosafe_error_packets_total  | Transfer error in packets          | port                           |
| prosafe_link_speed           | Link speed in Mbps                 | port                           |
| prosafe_build_info           | prosafe_exporter Build information | version, revision, rustversion |

## Tested Switches

- XS708E
- GS108Ev3
- GS105Ev2

## Install
Download from [release page](, and extract to any directory ( e.g. `/usr/local/bin` ).
See the example files in `example` directory as below.

| File                             | Description                  |
| -------------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| example/prosafe_exporter.service | systemd unit file            |

If the release build doesn't fit your environment, you can build and install from source code.

cargo install prosafe_exporter

## Usage

prosafe_exporter --web.listen-address=":9493"

The default listen port is 9493.
It can be changed by `--web.listen-address` option.

## Prometheus Server Configuration

The target switches of prosafe_exporter can be configured by the pair of hostname and network interface name ( e.g. `switch1:eth0` ).
The network interface must be belonged to the same subnet as the switch.

The Prometheus server configuration is like [SNMP exporter](
The example of a configuration is below:

- job_name: 'prosafe'
      - targets: ['switch1:eth0', ''] # target switches by hostname:if_name.
  metrics_path: /probe
    - source_labels: [__address__]
      target_label: __param_target
    - source_labels: [__param_target]
      target_label: instance
    - target_label: __address__
      replacement: # The prosafe_exporter's real hostname:port.

## Query Example

Outgoing data rate of `port1` on `switch1:eth0` is below.

rate(prosafe_transmit_bytes_total{instance="switch1:eth0", port="1"}[1m])