proq 0.1.0

Idiomatic Async Prometheus Query (PromQL) Client for Rust.

Idiomatic Async Prometheus Query (PromQL) Client for Rust.

This crate provides general client API for Prometheus Query API. All queries can be written with PromQL notation.

Basic Usage

use proq::prelude::*;
# use chrono::Utc;
# use std::time::Duration;

fn main() {
let client = ProqClient::new(

futures::executor::block_on(async {
let end = Utc::now();
let start = Some(end - chrono::Duration::minutes(1));
let step = Some(Duration::from_secs_f64(1.5));

let rangeq = client.range_query("up", start, Some(end), step).await;

For extensive documentation about which methods are available and what they are doing you can see the [api::ProqClient] documentation.