Crate prople_crypto

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We have a significant changes since version 0.2.0, please use at least this version for a better API library structure

This library provides multiple core algorithms :

  • ECDH / X25519 used for digital signature and key agreement
  • EdDSA / ED25519 used for digital signature and account management
  • AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) used for standard encryption keys
    • ChaCha20Poly1305 : Used as main encryption algorithm
  • Argon2 used as main KDF (Key Deriviation Function) to hash the password
  • Blake3 used as main hash function when hashing generated shared secret key from ECDH
  • Chacha RNG used as main random generator


  • The ECDH, the generated key secret, will using bytes and converted to hex.
  • The EdDSA, the generated private key, will using bytes and converted to standard PEM format.


All of these cryptographic algorithms used to fulfill Prople project’s needs It’s still possible to use all of these algorithms, as long as your project has a similarity with Prople

All of these generated keys will be put and encrypted into KeySecure format following Ethereum KeyStore strategy, which means the generated json will be stored in disk. Example json output:

  "id": "ea433df6-6fcc-49e5-a535-20704c18e126",
  "context": "X25519",
  "crypto": {
    "cipher": "xchacha20poly1305",
    "cipherText": "712cd6261ea338100906c8c017d640d37d27bd58f91b1bf8f809a5a02a73e4e3b80002910b678f847b77e533ef6e1f29",
    "cipherParams": {
      "nonce": "f7e1d00e48a538936b3d48eeebc3847057acba24edb06f9b"
    "kdf": "argon2",
    "kdfParams": {
      "params": {
        "m_cost": 19456,
        "t_cost": 2,
        "p_cost": 1,
        "outputLen": 32
      "salt": "5Qm7QPATRUE6czNKJWODtg"


prople-crypto = {version = "0.2.3"}



Generate KeyPair :

use prople_crypto::ecdh::keypair::KeyPair;

let keypair = KeyPair::generate();

// get public key
let pubkey = keypair.pub_key();

Generate shared secret :


To generate shared secret, both parties must exchange their public keys

use prople_crypto::ecdh::keypair::KeyPair;

// assumed alice and bob as parties
let keypair_alice = KeyPair::generate();
let keypair_bob = KeyPair::generate();

let pubkey_alice = keypair_alice.pub_key();
let pubkey_bob = keypair_bob.pub_key();
let public_alice_hex = pubkey_alice.to_hex();
let public_bob_hex = pubkey_bob.to_hex();

// alice need bob's public key
let secret_alice = keypair_alice.secret(&public_bob_hex);

// bob need alice's public key
let secret_bob = keypair_bob.secret(&public_alice_hex);

// hash the generated secret using `BLAKE3`        
let shared_secret_alice_blake3 = secret_alice.to_blake3();
let shared_secret_bob_blake3 = secret_bob.to_blake3();

Please explore our API library documentation for the ecdh module for more detail explanation and available public methods


Generate KeyPair

use prople_crypto::eddsa::keypair::KeyPair;

let keypair1 = KeyPair::generate();

// generate PEM value
let private_key_pem: Result<String, EddsaError> = keypair.priv_key().to_pem();

// generate from PEM
ley keypair2 = KeyPair::from_pem(private_key_pem.unwrap());

Generate digital signature

use prople_crypto::eddsa::keypair::KeyPair;

let keypair = KeyPair::generate();
let signature = keypair.signature("my message".as_bytes());
let digital_signature = signature.to_hex();

Please explore our API library documentation for the eddsa module for more detail explanation and available public methods


Our keysecure::KeySecure format actually try to following strategy and pattern from Ethereum KeyStore.

Example generate KeySecure from ECDH keypair

use prople_crypto::ecdh::keypair::KeyPair;

let keypair = KeyPair::generate();
let keysecure: Result<KeySecure, KeySecureError> = keypair.to_keysecure("password".to_string);


Both ECDH and EDDSA generated keypairs already implement ToKeySecure trait behavior, so both of this generated data will use same method to generate it’s KeySecure format


  • aead is a module used to maintain the primary object of AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
  • ecdh is an module used specifically to maintain all ECDH operations. This module provides a set of abstractions built on top of x25519_dalek
  • eddsa is a module that provides a set of abstraction built on top of ed25519_dalek library.
  • errors provides base error which is CommonError
  • external used to re-export all cryptography libraries from rst_common
  • keysecure is a module used to save a critical information such as for generated Private Key
  • passphrase is a module used to hash a given secret passphrase or a password