Crate prometheus_http_query[][src]

This crate provides a query interface to the Prometheus HTTP API. At this point only instant and range queries are supported. But this will definitely change in the future and include all the remaining types of queries that the API specifies.

Behind the scenes this library uses reqwest as a HTTP client. Thus its features and limitations also apply to this library.


use prometheus_http_query::{Client, Query, RangeQuery, InstantQuery};

#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() {
    let client: Client = Default::default();

    let instant_q = InstantQuery {
        query: "up",
        time: None,
        timeout: None,

    let response = instant_q.execute(&client).await.unwrap();


    let range_q = RangeQuery {
        query: "up",
        start: "2021-04-09T11:30:00.000+02:00",
        end: "2021-04-09T12:30:00.000+02:00",
        step: "5m",
        timeout: None,

    let response = range_q.execute(&client).await.unwrap();



The response types InstantQueryResponse and RangeQueryResponse do not exactly match the deserialzed version of the JSON that Prometheus sends back to the client. The reasoning behind this is that there is only one possible type of response to e.g. an instant query, namely a vector of metrics. So the structure of the response is dumbed down in order to get rid of redundant information that the JSON contains, like the resultType.

Future plans

  • Add metadata queries (series/labels) (non-breaking)
  • Expose configuration parameters of the reqwest client
  • Provide types for the values of e.g. InstantQuery.query or RangeQuery.start in order to catch possible errors with the format before actually sending the request to a remote Prometheus instance (breaking)
  • The best way of preventing issues with the query format would be to provide a builder type to build a query and translate it to a query string to be sent to Prometheus (breaking)


pub use self::client::Client;
pub use self::client::Scheme;
pub use self::query::InstantQuery;
pub use self::query::Query;
pub use self::query::RangeQuery;

