project_init 0.1.5

Initialize projects from a template. Fast
- [x] define config syntax
- [x] use interpolations for actual templates
- [x] be faster than python
- [x] benchmarks
  - [x] more besides the vim one
- [ ] extra templates
  - [x] vim
  - [x] rust
  - [x] nim
  - [ ] haskell
- [ ] built-in licenses
  - [ ] bsd3
  - [ ] mit
  - [ ] gnu
  - [ ] all rights reserved
- [ ] call templates by name?
- [ ] add travis ci badges to readmes
- [ ] add field for scripts (initialized with +x)
- [ ] add keys
  - [ ] full date 
  - [ ] user-defined keys
  - [x] github username
  - [ ] github repo name
  - [ ] set version control globally
  - [ ] set preferred license globally
  - [x] ask user for missing keys
- [ ] ask before overwriting directories
  - [ ] --force or -f to overwrite anyways