project-uninit 0.1.1

Macros for safe references to and initialization of fields in MaybeUninit structs


Rust macros for safe (and unsafe) access to and initialization of fields of structs wrapped in MaybeUninit<_>

This crate uses the ptr::addr_of! and ptr::addr_of_mut! macros introduced in Rust 1.51 to avoid undefined behavior.

See the docs for more information and examples.


Initialize a struct one field at a time

use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use project_uninit::partial_init;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct Inner { value1: u8, value2: (i32, bool) }
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct MyStruct { name: &'static str, inner: Inner }

let mut target = MaybeUninit::<MyStruct>::uninit();

let name: &mut &str = partial_init!(target => name = "Foo");
assert_eq!(*name, "Foo");
*name = "Bar";

let (value1, value2_0): (&mut u8, &mut i32) = partial_init!(target => {
    inner => value1: 0xff,
    inner => value2 => 0: 1000,
assert_eq!(*value1, 0xff);
assert_eq!(*value2_0, 1000);
*value2_0 *= 2;

let value2_1: &mut bool = partial_init!(target => inner => value2 => 1 = true);
assert_eq!(*value2_1, true);

assert_eq!(unsafe { target.assume_init() }, MyStruct {
    name: "Bar",
    inner: Inner { value1: 0xff, value2: (2000, true) },

Obtain references to fields of a MaybeUninit<_> struct

use project_uninit::project_uninit;

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct Person { name: &'static str, age: u32 }
let person = MaybeUninit::new(Person {
    name: "Alice",
    age: 22,
let (name, age): (&MaybeUninit<&str>, &MaybeUninit<u32>) = project_uninit!(
    person => { name, age }

assert_eq!(unsafe { name.assume_init() }, "Alice");
assert_eq!(unsafe { age.assume_init() }, 22);

Obtain mutable references to fields of a MaybeUninit<_> struct

use project_uninit::project_uninit_mut;

let mut person = MaybeUninit::new(Person {
    name: "Alice",
    age: 22,

let (name, age): (&mut MaybeUninit<&str>, &mut MaybeUninit<u32>) = project_uninit_mut!(
    person => { name, age }

*name = MaybeUninit::new("Alicia");
*age = MaybeUninit::new(24);

assert_eq!(unsafe { person.assume_init() }, Person {
    name: "Alicia",
    age: 24,