proj 0.27.0

High-level Rust bindings for the latest stable version of PROJ
use libc::c_int;
use libc::{c_char, c_double};
use num_traits::Float;
use proj_sys::{
    proj_area_create, proj_area_destroy, proj_area_set_bbox, proj_cleanup, proj_context_create,
    proj_context_destroy, proj_context_errno, proj_context_get_url_endpoint,
    proj_context_is_network_enabled, proj_context_set_search_paths, proj_context_set_url_endpoint,
    proj_create, proj_create_crs_to_crs, proj_destroy, proj_errno_string, proj_get_area_of_use,
    proj_grid_cache_set_enable, proj_info, proj_normalize_for_visualization, proj_pj_info,
    proj_trans, proj_trans_array, PJconsts, PJ_AREA, PJ_CONTEXT, PJ_COORD, PJ_DIRECTION_PJ_FWD,
use std::{
    convert, ffi,
    fmt::{self, Debug},

#[cfg(feature = "network")]
use proj_sys::proj_context_set_enable_network;

use proj_sys::{proj_errno, proj_errno_reset};

use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::path::Path;
use thiserror::Error;

pub trait CoordinateType: Float + Copy + PartialOrd + Debug {}
impl<T: Float + Copy + PartialOrd + Debug> CoordinateType for T {}

/// An error number returned from a PROJ call.
pub(crate) struct Errno(pub libc::c_int);

impl Errno {
    /// Return the error message associated with the error number.
    pub fn message(&self, context: *mut PJ_CONTEXT) -> String {
        let ptr = unsafe { proj_sys::proj_context_errno_string(context, self.0) };
        if ptr.is_null() {
            panic!("PROJ did not supply an error")
        } else {
            unsafe { _string(ptr).expect("PROJ provided an invalid error string") }

/// Construct a `Result` from the result of a `proj_create*` call.
fn result_from_create<T>(context: *mut PJ_CONTEXT, ptr: *mut T) -> Result<*mut T, Errno> {
    if ptr.is_null() {
        Err(Errno(unsafe { proj_context_errno(context) }))
    } else {

/// A point in two dimensional space. The primary unit of input/output for proj.
/// By default, any numeric `(x, y)` tuple implements `Coord`, but you can conform your type to
/// `Coord` to pass it directly into proj.
/// See the [`geo-types` feature](#feature-flags) for interop with the [`geo-types`
/// crate](
pub trait Coord<T>
    T: CoordinateType,
    fn x(&self) -> T;
    fn y(&self) -> T;
    fn from_xy(x: T, y: T) -> Self;

impl<T: CoordinateType> Coord<T> for (T, T) {
    fn x(&self) -> T {
    fn y(&self) -> T {
    fn from_xy(x: T, y: T) -> Self {
        (x, y)

/// Errors originating in PROJ which can occur during projection and conversion
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ProjError {
    /// A projection error
    #[error("The projection failed with the following error: {0}")]
    /// A conversion error
    #[error("The conversion failed with the following error: {0}")]
    /// An error that occurs when a path string originating in PROJ can't be converted to a CString
    #[error("Couldn't create a raw pointer from the string")]
    Creation(#[from] std::ffi::NulError),
    #[error("The projection area of use is unknown")]
    /// An error that occurs if a user-supplied path can't be converted into a string slice
    #[error("Couldn't convert path to slice")]
    #[error("Couldn't convert bytes from PROJ to UTF-8")]
    Utf8Error(#[from] std::str::Utf8Error),
    #[error("Couldn't convert number to f64")]
    #[error("Network download functionality could not be enabled")]
    #[error("Could not set remote grid download callbacks")]
    #[error("Couldn't build request")]
    #[cfg(feature = "network")]
    BuilderError(#[from] reqwest::Error),
    #[error("Couldn't clone request")]
    #[error("Could not retrieve content length")]
    #[error("Couldn't retrieve header for key {0}")]
    #[cfg(feature = "network")]
    #[error("Couldn't convert header value to str")]
    HeaderConversion(#[from] reqwest::header::ToStrError),
    #[error("A {0} error occurred for url {1} after {2} retries")]
    DownloadError(String, String, u8),
    #[error("The current definition could not be retrieved")]

#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ProjCreateError {
    #[error("A nul byte was found in the PROJ string definition or CRS argument: {0}")]
    #[error("The underlying PROJ call failed: {0}")]

/// The bounding box of an area of use
/// In the case of an area of use crossing the antimeridian (longitude +/- 180 degrees),
/// `west` must be greater than `east`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Area {
    pub north: f64,
    pub south: f64,
    pub east: f64,
    pub west: f64,

impl Area {
    /// Create a new Area
    /// **Note**: In the case of an area of use crossing the antimeridian (longitude +/- 180 degrees),
    /// `west` must be greater than `east`.
    pub fn new(west: f64, south: f64, east: f64, north: f64) -> Self {
        Area {

/// Easily get a String from the external library
pub(crate) unsafe fn _string(raw_ptr: *const c_char) -> Result<String, str::Utf8Error> {
    let c_str = CStr::from_ptr(raw_ptr);

/// Look up an error message using the error code
fn error_message(code: c_int) -> Result<String, str::Utf8Error> {
    unsafe {
        let rv = proj_errno_string(code);

/// Set the bounding box of the area of use
fn area_set_bbox(parea: *mut proj_sys::PJ_AREA, new_area: Option<Area>) {
    // if a bounding box has been passed, modify the proj area object
    if let Some(narea) = new_area {
        unsafe {
            proj_area_set_bbox(parea, narea.west, narea.south, narea.east, narea.north);

/// called by Proj::new and ProjBuilder::transform_new_crs
fn transform_string(ctx: *mut PJ_CONTEXT, definition: &str) -> Result<Proj, ProjCreateError> {
    let c_definition = CString::new(definition).map_err(ProjCreateError::ArgumentNulError)?;
    let ptr = result_from_create(ctx, unsafe { proj_create(ctx, c_definition.as_ptr()) })
        .map_err(|e| ProjCreateError::ProjError(e.message(ctx)))?;
    Ok(Proj {
        c_proj: ptr,
        area: None,

/// Called by new_known_crs and proj_known_crs
fn transform_epsg(
    ctx: *mut PJ_CONTEXT,
    from: &str,
    to: &str,
    area: Option<Area>,
) -> Result<Proj, ProjCreateError> {
    let from_c = CString::new(from).map_err(ProjCreateError::ArgumentNulError)?;
    let to_c = CString::new(to).map_err(ProjCreateError::ArgumentNulError)?;
    let proj_area = unsafe { proj_area_create() };
    area_set_bbox(proj_area, area);
    let ptr = result_from_create(ctx, unsafe {
        proj_create_crs_to_crs(ctx, from_c.as_ptr(), to_c.as_ptr(), proj_area)
    .map_err(|e| ProjCreateError::ProjError(e.message(ctx)))?;
    // Normalise input and output order to Lon, Lat / Easting Northing by inserting
    // An axis swap operation if necessary
    let normalised = unsafe {
        let normalised = proj_normalize_for_visualization(ctx, ptr);
        // deallocate stale PJ pointer
    Ok(Proj {
        c_proj: normalised,
        area: Some(proj_area),

macro_rules! define_info_methods {
    () => {
        fn ctx(&self) -> *mut PJ_CONTEXT {

        /// Return information about the current instance of the PROJ libary.
        /// See: <>
        /// If instead you are looking for information about the current projection / conversion, see
        /// [`Proj::proj_info`].
        /// # Safety
        /// This method contains unsafe code.
        pub fn lib_info(&self) -> Result<Info, ProjError> {
            unsafe {
                let pinfo: PJ_INFO = proj_info();
                Ok(Info {
                    major: pinfo.major,
                    minor: pinfo.minor,
                    patch: pinfo.patch,
                    release: _string(pinfo.release)?,
                    version: _string(pinfo.version)?,
                    searchpath: _string(pinfo.searchpath)?,

        /// Check whether network access for [resource file download]( is currently enabled or disabled.
        /// # Safety
        /// This method contains unsafe code.
        pub fn network_enabled(&self) -> bool {
            let res = unsafe { proj_context_is_network_enabled(self.ctx()) };
            matches!(res, 1)

        /// Get the URL endpoint to query for remote grids
        /// # Safety
        /// This method contains unsafe code.
        pub fn get_url_endpoint(&self) -> Result<String, ProjError> {
            Ok(unsafe { _string(proj_context_get_url_endpoint(self.ctx()))? })

impl ProjBuilder {

    /// Enable or disable network access for [resource file download](
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "network")))]
    #[cfg(feature = "network")]
    pub fn enable_network(&mut self, enable: bool) -> Result<u8, ProjError> {
        if enable {
            let _ = match crate::network::set_network_callbacks(self.ctx()) {
                1 => Ok(1),
                _ => Err(ProjError::Network),
        let enable = if enable { 1 } else { 0 };
        match (enable, unsafe {
            proj_context_set_enable_network(self.ctx(), enable)
        }) {
            // we asked to switch on: switched on
            (1, 1) => Ok(1),
            // we asked to switch off: switched off
            (0, 0) => Ok(0),
            // we asked to switch off, but it's still on
            (0, 1) => Err(ProjError::Network),
            // we asked to switch on, but it's still off
            (1, 0) => Err(ProjError::Network),
            // scrëm
            _ => Err(ProjError::Network),

    /// Add a [resource file search path](, maintaining existing entries.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    pub fn set_search_paths<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, newpath: P) -> Result<(), ProjError> {
        let existing = self.lib_info()?.searchpath;
        let pathsep = if cfg!(windows) { ";" } else { ":" };
        let mut individual: Vec<&str> = existing.split(pathsep).collect();
        let np = Path::new(newpath.as_ref());
        let newlength = individual.len() as i32;
        // convert path entries to CString
        let paths_c = individual
            .map(|str| CString::new(*str))
            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, std::ffi::NulError>>()?;
        // …then to raw pointers
        let paths_p: Vec<_> = paths_c.iter().map(|cstr| cstr.as_ptr()).collect();
        // …then pass the slice of raw pointers as a raw pointer (const char* const*)
        unsafe { proj_context_set_search_paths(self.ctx(), newlength, paths_p.as_ptr()) }

    /// Enable or disable the local cache of grid chunks
    /// To avoid repeated network access, a local cache of downloaded chunks of grids is
    /// implemented as SQLite3 database, cache.db, stored in the PROJ user writable directory.
    /// This local caching is **enabled** by default.
    /// The default maximum size of the cache is 300 MB, which is more than half of the total size
    /// of grids available, at time of writing.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    pub fn grid_cache_enable(&mut self, enable: bool) {
        let enable = if enable { 1 } else { 0 };
        let _ = unsafe { proj_grid_cache_set_enable(self.ctx(), enable) };

    /// Set the URL endpoint to query for remote grids
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    pub fn set_url_endpoint(&mut self, endpoint: &str) -> Result<(), ProjError> {
        let s = CString::new(endpoint)?;
        unsafe { proj_context_set_url_endpoint(self.ctx(), s.as_ptr()) };

enum Transformation {

/// [Information]( about PROJ
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Info {
    pub major: i32,
    pub minor: i32,
    pub patch: i32,
    pub release: String,
    pub version: String,
    pub searchpath: String,

/// A `PROJ` Context instance, used to create a transformation object.
/// Create a transformation object by calling `proj` or `proj_known_crs`.
pub struct ProjBuilder {
    ctx: *mut PJ_CONTEXT,

impl ProjBuilder {
    /// Create a new `ProjBuilder`, allowing grid downloads and other customisation.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let ctx = unsafe { proj_context_create() };
        ProjBuilder { ctx }

    /// Try to create a coordinate transformation object
    /// **Note:** for projection operations, `definition` specifies
    /// the **output** projection; input coordinates
    /// are assumed to be geodetic in radians, unless an inverse projection is intended.
    /// For conversion operations, `definition` defines input, output, and
    /// any intermediate steps that are required. See the `convert` example for more details.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    pub fn proj(mut self, definition: &str) -> Result<Proj, ProjCreateError> {
        let ctx = unsafe { std::mem::replace(&mut self.ctx, proj_context_create()) };
        transform_string(ctx, definition)

    /// Try to create a transformation object that is a pipeline between two known coordinate reference systems.
    /// `from` and `to` can be:
    /// - an `"AUTHORITY:CODE"`, like `"EPSG:25832"`.
    /// - a PROJ string, like `"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"`. When using that syntax, the unit is expected to be degrees.
    /// - the name of a CRS as found in the PROJ database, e.g `"WGS84"`, `"NAD27"`, etc.
    /// - more generally, any string accepted by [`new()`](
    /// If you wish to alter the particular area of use, you may do so using [`area_set_bbox()`](struct.Proj.html#method.area_set_bbox)
    /// ## A Note on Coordinate Order
    /// The required input **and** output coordinate order is **normalised** to `Longitude, Latitude` / `Easting, Northing`.
    /// This overrides the expected order of the specified input and / or output CRS if necessary.
    /// See the [PROJ API](
    /// For example: per its definition, EPSG:4326 has an axis order of Latitude, Longitude. Without
    /// normalisation, crate users would have to
    /// [remember](
    /// to reverse the coordinates of `Point` or `Coordinate` structs in order for a conversion operation to
    /// return correct results.
    /// # use approx::assert_relative_eq;
    /// extern crate proj;
    /// use proj::{Proj, Coord};
    /// let from = "EPSG:2230";
    /// let to = "EPSG:26946";
    /// let nad_ft_to_m = Proj::new_known_crs(&from, &to, None).unwrap();
    /// let result = nad_ft_to_m
    ///     .convert((4760096.421921f64, 3744293.729449f64))
    ///     .unwrap();
    /// assert_relative_eq!(result.x(), 1450880.29, epsilon = 1.0e-2);
    /// assert_relative_eq!(result.y(), 1141263.01, epsilon = 1.0e-2);
    /// ```
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    pub fn proj_known_crs(
        mut self,
        from: &str,
        to: &str,
        area: Option<Area>,
    ) -> Result<Proj, ProjCreateError> {
        let ctx = unsafe { std::mem::replace(&mut self.ctx, proj_context_create()) };
        transform_epsg(ctx, from, to, area)

impl Default for ProjBuilder {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// A coordinate transformation object.
/// A `Proj` can be constructed a few different ways:
/// * [`ProjBuilder`]
/// * [`Proj::new`]
/// * [`Proj::new_known_crs`]
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # use approx::assert_relative_eq;
/// use proj::{Proj, Coord};
/// let from = "EPSG:2230";
/// let to = "EPSG:26946";
/// let nad_ft_to_m = Proj::new_known_crs(&from, &to, None).unwrap();
/// let result = nad_ft_to_m
///     .convert((4760096.421921f64, 3744293.729449f64))
///     .unwrap();
/// assert_relative_eq!(result.x(), 1450880.29, epsilon=1.0e-2);
/// assert_relative_eq!(result.y(), 1141263.01, epsilon=1.0e-2);
/// ```
pub struct Proj {
    c_proj: *mut PJconsts,
    ctx: *mut PJ_CONTEXT,
    area: Option<*mut PJ_AREA>,

impl Proj {
    /// Try to create a new transformation object
    /// **Note:** for projection operations, `definition` specifies
    /// the **output** projection; input coordinates
    /// are assumed to be geodetic in radians, unless an inverse projection is intended.
    /// For conversion operations, `definition` defines input, output, and
    /// any intermediate steps that are required. See the `convert` example for more details.
    /// # Examples
    /// Constructing a `Proj` from a PROJ string definition:
    /// ```
    /// let transformer = proj::Proj::new(
    ///     "+proj=merc +lat_ts=56.5 +ellps=GRS80"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// ```
    /// A `TryFrom` implementation is available which wraps `new`:
    /// ```
    /// use std::convert::TryFrom;
    /// let transformer = proj::Proj::try_from(
    ///     "+proj=merc +lat_ts=56.5 +ellps=GRS80"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// ```
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    // In contrast to proj v4.x, the type of transformation
    // is signalled by the choice of enum used as input to the PJ_COORD union
    // PJ_LP signals projection of geodetic coordinates, with output being PJ_XY
    // and vice versa, or using PJ_XY for conversion operations
    pub fn new(definition: &str) -> Result<Proj, ProjCreateError> {
        let ctx = unsafe { proj_context_create() };
        transform_string(ctx, definition)

    /// Try to create a new transformation object that is a pipeline between two known coordinate reference systems.
    /// `from` and `to` can be:
    /// - an `"AUTHORITY:CODE"`, like `"EPSG:25832"`.
    /// - a PROJ string, like `"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"`. When using that syntax, the unit is expected to be degrees.
    /// - the name of a CRS as found in the PROJ database, e.g `"WGS84"`, `"NAD27"`, etc.
    /// - more generally, any string accepted by [`new()`](
    /// If you wish to alter the particular area of use, you may do so using [`area_set_bbox()`](struct.Proj.html#method.area_set_bbox)
    /// ## A Note on Coordinate Order
    /// The required input **and** output coordinate order is **normalised** to `Longitude, Latitude` / `Easting, Northing`.
    /// This overrides the expected order of the specified input and / or output CRS if necessary.
    /// See the [PROJ API](
    /// For example: per its definition, EPSG:4326 has an axis order of Latitude, Longitude. Without
    /// normalisation, crate users would have to
    /// [remember](
    /// to reverse the coordinates of `Point` or `Coordinate` structs in order for a conversion operation to
    /// return correct results.
    /// # Examples
    /// Constructing a `Proj` from a source CRS and target CRS:
    /// ```rust
    /// let transformer = proj::Proj::new_known_crs(
    ///     "EPSG:2230",
    ///     "EPSG:26946",
    ///     None
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// ```
    /// A `TryFrom` implementation is available which wraps `new_known_crs`:
    /// ```rust
    /// use std::convert::TryFrom;
    /// let transformer = proj::Proj::try_from((
    ///     "EPSG:2230",
    ///     "EPSG:26946"
    /// )).unwrap();
    /// ```
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    pub fn new_known_crs(
        from: &str,
        to: &str,
        area: Option<Area>,
    ) -> Result<Proj, ProjCreateError> {
        let ctx = unsafe { proj_context_create() };
        transform_epsg(ctx, from, to, area)

    /// Set the bounding box of the area of use
    /// This bounding box will be used to specify the area of use
    /// for the choice of relevant coordinate operations.
    /// In the case of an area of use crossing the antimeridian (longitude +/- 180 degrees),
    /// `west` **must** be greater than `east`.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    // calling this on a non-CRS-to-CRS instance of Proj will be harmless, because self.area will be None
    pub fn area_set_bbox(&mut self, new_bbox: Area) {
        if let Some(new_area) = self.area {
            unsafe {


    /// Returns the area of use of a projection
    /// When multiple usages are available, the first one will be returned.
    /// The bounding box coordinates are in degrees.
    /// According to upstream, both the area of use and the projection name
    /// might have not been defined, so they are optional.
    pub fn area_of_use(&self) -> Result<(Option<Area>, Option<String>), ProjError> {
        let mut out_west_lon_degree = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        let mut out_south_lat_degree = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        let mut out_east_lon_degree = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        let mut out_north_lat_degree = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        let mut out_area_name = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        let res = unsafe {
        if res == 0 {
        } else {
            let west = unsafe { out_west_lon_degree.assume_init() };
            let south = unsafe { out_south_lat_degree.assume_init() };
            let east = unsafe { out_east_lon_degree.assume_init() };
            let north = unsafe { out_north_lat_degree.assume_init() };
            let name = unsafe {
                let name = out_area_name.assume_init();
                if !name.is_null() {
                } else {

            // comparing against float point sentinel values is a reasonable usage of exact
            // floating point comparison
            let area = if west != -1000.0 && south != -1000.0 && east != -1000.0 && north != -1000.0
                Some(Area {
            } else {
            Ok((area, name))

    /// Get information about a specific transformation object.
    /// See <>
    /// If instead you are looking for information about the PROJ installation, see
    /// [`Proj::lib_info`].
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    pub fn proj_info(&self) -> ProjInfo {
        unsafe {
            let pj_info = proj_pj_info(self.c_proj);
            let id = if {
            } else {
                Some(_string("PROJ built an invalid string"))
            let description = if pj_info.description.is_null() {
            } else {
                Some(_string(pj_info.description).expect("PROJ built an invalid string"))
            let definition = if pj_info.definition.is_null() {
            } else {
                Some(_string(pj_info.definition).expect("PROJ built an invalid string"))
            let has_inverse = pj_info.has_inverse == 1;
            ProjInfo {
                accuracy: pj_info.accuracy,

    /// Get the current definition from `PROJ`
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    pub fn def(&self) -> Result<String, ProjError> {

    /// Project geodetic coordinates (in radians) into the projection specified by `definition`
    /// **Note:** specifying `inverse` as `true` carries out an inverse projection *to* geodetic coordinates
    /// (in radians) from the projection specified by `definition`.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    pub fn project<C, F>(&self, point: C, inverse: bool) -> Result<C, ProjError>
        C: Coord<F>,
        F: CoordinateType,
        let inv = if inverse {
        } else {
        let c_x: c_double = point.x().to_f64().ok_or(ProjError::FloatConversion)?;
        let c_y: c_double = point.y().to_f64().ok_or(ProjError::FloatConversion)?;
        let new_x;
        let new_y;
        let err;
        // Input coords are defined in terms of lambda & phi, using the PJ_LP struct.
        // This signals that we wish to project geodetic coordinates.
        // For conversion (i.e. between projected coordinates) you should use
        // PJ_XY {x: , y: }
        // We also initialize z and t in case libproj tries to read them.
        let coords = PJ_LPZT {
            lam: c_x,
            phi: c_y,
            z: 0.0,
            t: f64::INFINITY,
        unsafe {
            // PJ_DIRECTION_* determines a forward or inverse projection
            let trans = proj_trans(self.c_proj, inv, PJ_COORD { lpzt: coords });
            // output of coordinates uses the PJ_XY struct
            new_x = trans.xy.x;
            new_y = trans.xy.y;
            err = proj_errno(self.c_proj);
        if err == 0 {
        } else {

    /// Convert projected coordinates between coordinate reference systems.
    /// Input and output CRS may be specified in two ways:
    /// 1. Using the PROJ `pipeline` operator. This method makes use of the [`pipeline`](
    /// functionality available since `PROJ` 5.
    /// This has the advantage of being able to chain an arbitrary combination of projection, conversion,
    /// and transformation steps, allowing for extremely complex operations ([`new`](
    /// 2. Using EPSG codes or `PROJ` strings to define input and output CRS ([`new_known_crs`](#method.new_known_crs))
    /// ## A Note on Coordinate Order
    /// Depending on the method used to instantiate the `Proj` object, coordinate input and output order may vary:
    /// - If you have used [`new`](, it is assumed that you've specified the order using the input string,
    /// or that you are aware of the required input order and expected output order.
    /// - If you have used [`new_known_crs`](#method.new_known_crs), input and output order are **normalised**
    /// to Longitude, Latitude / Easting, Northing.
    /// The following example converts from NAD83 US Survey Feet (EPSG 2230) to NAD83 Metres (EPSG 26946)
    /// ```rust
    /// # use approx::assert_relative_eq;
    /// extern crate proj;
    /// use proj::{Proj, Coord};
    /// let from = "EPSG:2230";
    /// let to = "EPSG:26946";
    /// let ft_to_m = Proj::new_known_crs(&from, &to, None).unwrap();
    /// let result = ft_to_m
    ///     .convert((4760096.421921, 3744293.729449))
    ///     .unwrap();
    /// assert_relative_eq!(result.x() as f64, 1450880.29, epsilon=1e-2);
    /// assert_relative_eq!(result.y() as f64, 1141263.01, epsilon=1e-2);
    /// ```
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    pub fn convert<C, F>(&self, point: C) -> Result<C, ProjError>
        C: Coord<F>,
        F: CoordinateType,
        let c_x: c_double = point.x().to_f64().ok_or(ProjError::FloatConversion)?;
        let c_y: c_double = point.y().to_f64().ok_or(ProjError::FloatConversion)?;
        let new_x;
        let new_y;
        let err;

        // This doesn't seem strictly correct, but if we set PJ_XY or PJ_LP here, the
        // other two values remain uninitialized and we can't be sure that libproj
        // doesn't try to read them. proj_trans_generic does the same thing.
        let xyzt = PJ_XYZT {
            x: c_x,
            y: c_y,
            z: 0.0,
            t: f64::INFINITY,
        unsafe {
            let trans = proj_trans(self.c_proj, PJ_DIRECTION_PJ_FWD, PJ_COORD { xyzt });
            new_x = trans.xy.x;
            new_y = trans.xy.y;
            err = proj_errno(self.c_proj);
        if err == 0 {
        } else {

    /// Convert a mutable slice (or anything that can deref into a mutable slice) of `Coord`s
    /// The following example converts from NAD83 US Survey Feet (EPSG 2230) to NAD83 Metres (EPSG 26946)
    /// ## A Note on Coordinate Order
    /// Depending on the method used to instantiate the `Proj` object, coordinate input and output order may vary:
    /// - If you have used [`new`](, it is assumed that you've specified the order using the input string,
    /// or that you are aware of the required input order and expected output order.
    /// - If you have used [`new_known_crs`](#method.new_known_crs), input and output order are **normalised**
    /// to Longitude, Latitude / Easting, Northing.
    /// ```rust
    /// use proj::{Proj, Coord};
    /// # use approx::assert_relative_eq;
    /// // Convert from NAD83(NSRS2007) to NAD83(2011)
    /// let from = "EPSG:4759";
    /// let to = "EPSG:4317";
    /// let NAD83_old_to_new = Proj::new_known_crs(&from, &to, None).unwrap();
    /// let mut v = vec![
    ///     (-98.5421515000, 39.2240867222),
    ///     (-98.3166503906, 38.7112325390),
    /// ];
    /// NAD83_old_to_new.convert_array(&mut v);
    /// assert_relative_eq!(v[0].x(), -98.54, epsilon=1e-2);
    /// assert_relative_eq!(v[1].y(), 38.71, epsilon=1e-2);
    /// ```
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    // TODO: there may be a way of avoiding some allocations, but transmute won't work because
    // PJ_COORD and Coord<T> are different sizes
    pub fn convert_array<'a, C, F>(&self, points: &'a mut [C]) -> Result<&'a mut [C], ProjError>
        C: Coord<F>,
        F: CoordinateType,
        self.array_general(points, Transformation::Conversion, false)

    /// Project an array of geodetic coordinates (in radians) into the projection specified by `definition`
    /// **Note:** specifying `inverse` as `true` carries out an inverse projection *to* geodetic coordinates
    /// (in radians) from the projection specified by `definition`.
    /// ```rust
    /// use proj::{Proj, Coord};
    /// # use approx::assert_relative_eq;
    /// let from = "EPSG:2230";
    /// let to = "EPSG:26946";
    /// let ft_to_m = Proj::new_known_crs(&from, &to, None).unwrap();
    /// let mut v = vec![
    ///     (4760096.421921, 3744293.729449),
    ///     (4760197.421921, 3744394.729449),
    /// ];
    /// ft_to_m.convert_array(&mut v).unwrap();
    /// assert_relative_eq!(v[0].x(), 1450880.29, epsilon=1e-2);
    /// assert_relative_eq!(v[1].y(), 1141293.79, epsilon=1e-2);
    /// ```
    /// # Safety
    /// This method contains unsafe code.
    // TODO: there may be a way of avoiding some allocations, but transmute won't work because
    // PJ_COORD and Coord<T> are different sizes
    pub fn project_array<'a, C, F>(
        points: &'a mut [C],
        inverse: bool,
    ) -> Result<&'a mut [C], ProjError>
        C: Coord<F>,
        F: CoordinateType,
        self.array_general(points, Transformation::Projection, inverse)

    // array conversion and projection logic is almost identical;
    // transform points in input array into PJ_COORD, transform them, error-check, then re-fill
    // input slice with points. Only the actual transformation ops vary slightly.
    fn array_general<'a, C, F>(
        points: &'a mut [C],
        op: Transformation,
        inverse: bool,
    ) -> Result<&'a mut [C], ProjError>
        C: Coord<F>,
        F: CoordinateType,
        let err;
        let trans;
        let inv = if inverse {
        } else {
        // we need PJ_COORD to convert
        let mut pj = points
            .map(|point| {
                let c_x: c_double = point.x().to_f64().ok_or(ProjError::FloatConversion)?;
                let c_y: c_double = point.y().to_f64().ok_or(ProjError::FloatConversion)?;
                Ok(PJ_COORD {
                    xyzt: PJ_XYZT {
                        x: c_x,
                        y: c_y,
                        z: 0.0,
                        t: f64::INFINITY,
            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, ProjError>>()?;
        // explicitly create the raw pointer to ensure it lives long enough
        let mp = pj.as_mut_ptr();
        // Transformation operations are slightly different
        match op {
            Transformation::Conversion => unsafe {
                trans = proj_trans_array(self.c_proj, PJ_DIRECTION_PJ_FWD, pj.len(), mp);
                err = proj_errno(self.c_proj);
            Transformation::Projection => unsafe {
                trans = proj_trans_array(self.c_proj, inv, pj.len(), mp);
                err = proj_errno(self.c_proj);
        if err == 0 && trans == 0 {
            // re-fill original slice with Coords
            // feels a bit clunky, but we're guaranteed that pj and points have the same length
            unsafe {
                for (i, coord) in pj.iter().enumerate() {
                    points[i] = Coord::from_xy(
        } else {

impl convert::TryFrom<&str> for Proj {
    type Error = ProjCreateError;

    /// Create a `Proj` from a PROJ string definition.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use std::convert::TryFrom;
    /// let transformer = proj::Proj::try_from(
    ///     "+proj=merc +lat_ts=56.5 +ellps=GRS80"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// ```
    fn try_from(definition: &str) -> Result<Proj, Self::Error> {

impl convert::TryFrom<(&str, &str)> for Proj {
    type Error = ProjCreateError;

    /// Create a `Proj` from a source CRS and target CRS.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use std::convert::TryFrom;
    /// let transformer = proj::Proj::try_from((
    ///     "EPSG:2230",
    ///     "EPSG:26946"
    /// )).unwrap();
    /// ```
    fn try_from((source_crs, target_crs): (&str, &str)) -> Result<Proj, Self::Error> {
        Proj::new_known_crs(source_crs, target_crs, None)

/// Info about the current PROJ definition
/// [PROJ reference documentation](
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ProjInfo {
    pub id: Option<String>,
    pub description: Option<String>,
    pub definition: Option<String>,
    pub has_inverse: bool,
    pub accuracy: f64,

impl fmt::Debug for Proj {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let pj_info = self.proj_info();
            .field("id", &
            .field("description", &pj_info.description)
            .field("definition", &pj_info.definition)
            .field("has_inverse", &pj_info.has_inverse)
            .field("accuracy", &pj_info.accuracy)

impl Drop for Proj {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            if let Some(area) = self.area {
            // NB do NOT call until proj_destroy and proj_context_destroy have both returned:

impl Drop for ProjBuilder {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

mod test {
    use super::*;

    struct MyPoint {
        x: f64,
        y: f64,

    impl MyPoint {
        fn new(x: f64, y: f64) -> Self {
            MyPoint { x, y }

    impl Coord<f64> for MyPoint {
        fn x(&self) -> f64 {

        fn y(&self) -> f64 {

        fn from_xy(x: f64, y: f64) -> Self {
            MyPoint { x, y }

    #[cfg(feature = "network")]
    fn test_network_enabled_conversion() {
        // OSGB 1936
        let from = "EPSG:4277";
        // ETRS89
        let to = "EPSG:4258";

        let mut online_builder = ProjBuilder::new();
        let offline_builder = ProjBuilder::new();



        // Disable caching to ensure we're accessing the network.
        // Cache is stored in proj's [user writeable directory](

        // I expected the following call to trigger a download, but it doesn't!
        let online_proj = online_builder.proj_known_crs(from, to, None).unwrap();
        let offline_proj = offline_builder.proj_known_crs(from, to, None).unwrap();

        // download begins here:
        // File to download: uk_os_OSTN15_NTv2_OSGBtoETRS.tif
        let online_t = online_proj
            .convert(MyPoint::new(0.001653, 52.267733))
        let offline_t = offline_proj
            .convert(MyPoint::new(0.001653, 52.267733))

        // Grid download results in a high-quality OSTN15 conversion
        assert_relative_eq!(online_t.x(), 0.000026091248979289044);
        assert_relative_eq!(online_t.y(), 52.26817146070213);

        // Without the grid download, it's a less precise conversion
        assert_relative_eq!(offline_t.x(), -0.00000014658182154077693);
        assert_relative_eq!(offline_t.y(), 52.26815719726976);

    fn test_definition() {
        let wgs84 = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs";
        let proj = Proj::new(wgs84).unwrap();
            "proj=longlat datum=WGS84 no_defs ellps=WGS84 towgs84=0,0,0"

    fn test_debug() {
        let wgs84 = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs";
        let proj = Proj::new(wgs84).unwrap();
        let debug_string = format!("{:?}", proj);
            "Proj { id: Some(\"longlat\"), description: Some(\"PROJ-based coordinate operation\"), definition: Some(\"proj=longlat datum=WGS84 no_defs ellps=WGS84 towgs84=0,0,0\"), has_inverse: true, accuracy: -1.0 }",

    // This failure is a bug in libproj
    fn test_searchpath() {
        let mut tf = ProjBuilder::new();
        let ipath = tf.lib_info().unwrap().searchpath;
        let pathsep = if cfg!(windows) { ";" } else { ":" };
        let individual: Vec<&str> = ipath.split(pathsep).collect();
        assert_eq!(&individual.last().unwrap(), &&"/foo")
    fn test_set_endpoint() {
        let from = "EPSG:4326";
        let to = "EPSG:4326+3855";
        let mut tf = ProjBuilder::new();
        let ep = tf.get_url_endpoint().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(&ep, "");
        let proj = tf.proj_known_crs(from, to, None).unwrap();
        let ep = proj.get_url_endpoint().unwrap();
        // Has the new endpoint propagated to the Proj instance?
        assert_eq!(&ep, "");
    fn test_from_crs() {
        let from = "EPSG:2230";
        let to = "EPSG:26946";
        let proj = Proj::new_known_crs(from, to, None).unwrap();
        let t = proj
            .convert(MyPoint::new(4760096.421921, 3744293.729449))
        assert_relative_eq!(t.x(), 1450880.2910605022);
        assert_relative_eq!(t.y(), 1141263.0111604782);

    fn test_from_crs_nul_error() {
        match Proj::new_known_crs("\0", "EPSG:4326", None) {
            Err(ProjCreateError::ArgumentNulError(_)) => (),
            _ => unreachable!(),

        match Proj::new_known_crs("EPSG:4326", "\0", None) {
            Err(ProjCreateError::ArgumentNulError(_)) => (),
            _ => unreachable!(),

    fn test_from_crs_error() {
        match Proj::new_known_crs("EPSG:4326", "🦀", None) {
            Err(ProjCreateError::ProjError(..)) => (),
            _ => unreachable!(),

        match Proj::new_known_crs("🦀", "EPSG:4326", None) {
            Err(ProjCreateError::ProjError(..)) => (),
            _ => unreachable!(),

    // Carry out a projection from geodetic coordinates
    fn test_projection() {
        let stereo70 = Proj::new(
            "+proj=sterea +lat_0=46 +lon_0=25 +k=0.99975 +x_0=500000 +y_0=500000
            +ellps=krass +towgs84=33.4,-146.6,-76.3,-0.359,-0.053,0.844,-0.84 +units=m +no_defs",
        // Geodetic -> Pulkovo 1942(58) / Stereo70 (EPSG 3844)
        let t = stereo70
            .project(MyPoint::new(0.436332, 0.802851), false)
        assert_relative_eq!(t.x(), 500119.7035366755, epsilon = 1e-5);
        assert_relative_eq!(t.y(), 500027.77901023754, epsilon = 1e-5);
    // Carry out an inverse projection to geodetic coordinates
    fn test_inverse_projection() {
        let stereo70 = Proj::new(
            "+proj=sterea +lat_0=46 +lon_0=25 +k=0.99975 +x_0=500000 +y_0=500000
            +ellps=krass +towgs84=33.4,-146.6,-76.3,-0.359,-0.053,0.844,-0.84 +units=m +no_defs",
        // Pulkovo 1942(58) / Stereo70 (EPSG 3844) -> Geodetic
        let t = stereo70
            .project(MyPoint::new(500119.70352012233, 500027.77896348457), true)
        assert_relative_eq!(t.x(), 0.43633200013698786);
        assert_relative_eq!(t.y(), 0.8028510000110507);
    // Carry out an inverse projection to geodetic coordinates
    fn test_london_inverse() {
        let osgb36 = Proj::new(
            +proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy
            +towgs84=446.448,-125.157,542.06,0.15,0.247,0.842,-20.489 +units=m +no_defs
        // OSGB36 (EPSG 27700) -> Geodetic
        let t = osgb36
            .project(MyPoint::new(548295.39, 182498.46), true)
        assert_relative_eq!(t.x(), 0.0023755864830313977);
        assert_relative_eq!(t.y(), 0.89922748952037);
    // Carry out a conversion from NAD83 feet (EPSG 2230) to NAD83 metres (EPSG 26946)
    fn test_conversion() {
        // Generated by PROJ by specifying "from" and "to" EPSG codes and calling def()
        let projstring = "
            proj=pipeline step proj=unitconvert xy_in=us-ft
            xy_out=m step inv proj=lcc lat_0=32.1666666666667
            lon_0=-116.25 lat_1=33.8833333333333 lat_2=32.7833333333333
            x_0=2000000.0001016 y_0=500000.0001016 ellps=GRS80 step proj=lcc lat_0=32.1666666666667
            lon_0=-116.25 lat_1=33.8833333333333 lat_2=32.7833333333333 x_0=2000000 y_0=500000
        let nad83_m = Proj::new(projstring).unwrap();
        println!("{:?}", nad83_m.def().unwrap());
        // Presidio, San Francisco
        let t = nad83_m
            .convert(MyPoint::new(4760096.421921, 3744293.729449))
        assert_relative_eq!(t.x(), 1450880.2910605022);
        assert_relative_eq!(t.y(), 1141263.0111604782);

    // Test that instantiation fails wth bad proj string input
    fn test_init_error() {
        match Proj::new("🦀") {
            Err(ProjCreateError::ProjError(_)) => (),
            _ => unreachable!(),

    // Test that instantiation fails wth bad proj string input
    fn test_init_error_nul() {
        match Proj::new("\0") {
            Err(ProjCreateError::ArgumentNulError(_)) => (),
            _ => unreachable!(),

    fn test_conversion_error() {
        // because step 1 isn't an inverse conversion, it's expecting lon lat input
        let nad83_m = Proj::new(
            "+proj=geos +lon_0=0.00 +lat_0=0.00 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0",
        let err = nad83_m
            .convert(MyPoint::new(4760096.421921, 3744293.729449))
            "The conversion failed with the following error: Invalid coordinate",

    fn test_error_recovery() {
        let nad83_m = Proj::new(
            "+proj=geos +lon_0=0.00 +lat_0=0.00 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0",

        // we expect this first conversion to fail (copied from above test case)
            .convert(MyPoint::new(4760096.421921, 3744293.729449))

        // but a subsequent valid conversion should still be successful
        assert!(nad83_m.convert(MyPoint::new(0.0, 0.0)).is_ok());

        // also test with project() function
            .project(MyPoint::new(99999.0, 99999.0), false)
        assert!(nad83_m.project(MyPoint::new(0.0, 0.0), false).is_ok());

    fn test_array_convert() {
        let from = "EPSG:2230";
        let to = "EPSG:26946";
        let ft_to_m = Proj::new_known_crs(from, to, None).unwrap();
        let mut v = vec![
            MyPoint::new(4760096.421921, 3744293.729449),
            MyPoint::new(4760197.421921, 3744394.729449),
        ft_to_m.convert_array(&mut v).unwrap();
        assert_relative_eq!(v[0].x(), 1450880.2910605022f64);
        assert_relative_eq!(v[1].y(), 1141293.7960220438);

    // Ensure that input and output order are normalised to Lon, Lat / Easting Northing
    // Without normalisation this test would fail, as EPSG:4326 expects Lat, Lon input order.
    fn test_input_order() {
        let from = "EPSG:4326";
        let to = "EPSG:2230";
        let to_feet = Proj::new_known_crs(from, to, None).unwrap();
        // 👽
        let usa_m = MyPoint::new(-115.797615, 37.2647978);
        let usa_ft = to_feet.convert(usa_m).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(6693625.67217475, usa_ft.x());
        assert_eq!(3497301.5918027232, usa_ft.y());

    fn test_area_of_use() {
        let proj = Proj::new("EPSG:3035").unwrap();
        let (area, name) = proj.area_of_use().unwrap();
        let area = area.unwrap();
        let name = name.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(area.west, -35.58);
        assert_eq!(area.south, 24.6);
        assert_eq!(area.east, 44.83);
        assert_eq!(area.north, 84.73);