[][src]Crate proj

proj provides bindings to the PROJ v6.3.x API

Two coordinate operations are currently provided: projection (and inverse projection) and conversion. Projection is intended for transformations between geodetic and projected coordinates, and vice versa (inverse projection), while conversion is intended for transformations between projected coordinate systems. The PROJ documentation explains the distinction between these operations.

Anything that can be converted into a geo-types Point via the Into trait can be used as input for the conversion or transformation functions, and conversion of a slice of Points is also supported.


use assert_approx_eq::assert_approx_eq;
extern crate proj;
use proj::Proj;

extern crate geo_types;
use geo_types::Point;

let from = "EPSG:2230";
let to = "EPSG:26946";
let nad_ft_to_m = Proj::new_known_crs(&from, &to, None).unwrap();
let result = nad_ft_to_m
    .convert(Point::new(4760096.421921f64, 3744293.729449f64))
assert_approx_eq!(result.x(), 1450880.29f64, 1.0e-2);
assert_approx_eq!(result.y(), 1141263.01f64, 1.0e-2);



The bounding box of an area of use


A PROJ instance