proj-sys 0.18.3

Rust bindings for PROJ v7.1.x
# Low-level bindings for PROJ v7.1.x

**This is a
crate; you shouldn't use its API directly.** See the
[`proj`]( crate for general use.

A guide to PROJ functions can be found here: 

By default, the crate will search for an existing `libproj` (via `PROJ v7.1.x`)
installation on your system using

If an acceptable installation is not found, proj-sys will attempt to build
libproj from source bundled in the crate.

## Features

`bundled_proj` - forces building libproj from source even if an acceptable
version could be found on your system.  Note that SQLite3 and `libtiff` must be
present on your system if you wish to use this feature, and that it builds
`libproj` **without** its native network functionality; you will have to
implement your own set of callbacks if you wish to make use of them (see the
[`proj`]( crate for an example).

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.