proj-sys 0.16.1

Rust bindings for PROJ v7.0.x

Build Status

Low-level bindings for PROJ v7.0.x

This is a *-sys crate; you shouldn't use its API directly. The proj crate is designed for general use.

A guide to the functions can be found here: Run cargo doc (optionally --open) to generate the crate documentation.


By default, this crate depends on a pre-built library, so PROJ v7.0.x must be present on your system. While this crate may be backwards-compatible with older PROJ 6 versions, this is neither tested or supported.

Optional Features

Enable these in your Cargo.toml like so:

proj-sys = { version = "0.16", features = ["pkg_config"] }
proj-sys = { version = "0.16", features = ["bundled_proj"] }

Note that these features are mutually exclusive.

  1. pkg_config (Linux and macOS targets)
    • uses pkg-config to add search paths to the build script. Requires pkg-config to be installed (available on Homebrew, Macports, apt etc.)
  2. bundled_proj (Linux targets only):
    • allow the crate to internally build and depend on a bundled PROJ library. This may make it easier to compile the crate, but is not yet thoroughly tested. Note that SQLite3 must be present on your system if you wish to use this feature.


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