progressing 2.0.2

A lightweight, counting progress-bar for Rust
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog][keepachangelog], and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning][semver].

## Table of contents

1. [Unreleased]#unreleased
1. [v2.0.2]#v2_0_2
1. [v2.0.1]#v2_0_1
1. [v2.0.0]#v2_0_0
1. [v1.0.3]#v1_0_3
1. [v1.0.2]#v1_0_2

## [Unreleased] <a name="unreleased"></a>

### Added


### Changed


### Deprecated


### Removed


### Fixed


### Security


## [v2.0.2] <a name="v2_0_2"></a>

### Fixed

- `` has had invalid code, which as been edited as in `examples`.

## [v2.0.1] <a name="v2_0_1"></a>

### Changed

- Changelog has been edited accordingly.

### Deprecated

- Detailled documentation is missing, though examples are good.
- Bar-styles to easily and safely configure bar-styles (e.g. `[====>   ]` -> `[----o   ]`)

## [v2.0.0] <a name="v2_0_0"></a>

### Added

- Add access to a bar's `progress`.
- Extend `BernoulliProgress`
  - Implement some useful traits like `Add` and `Copy`.
  - Implement automatic `into()` for tuples (`(successes, attempts)`) or successes (`u32` or `bool`).
  - Implement constructing method `new()` and `Default`.

### Changed

- `ID`s in `` since underscores (`_`) are preferred over dots (`.`) in `URL`s, but `v1103` could stand for `v11.0.3` and `v1.10.3`.

### Deprecated

- Detailled documentation is missing, though examples are good.
- Bar-styles to easily and safely configure bar-styles (e.g. `[====>   ]` -> `[----o   ]`)
- Changelog has been forgotten to adapt..

## [v1.0.3] <a name="v1_0_3"></a>

### Added

- Implement ``

### Deprecated

- `BernoulliProgress` has no constructing method like `new()` and no default-implementation.
- Detailled documentation is missing, though examples are good.

## [v1.0.2] <a name="v1_0_2"></a>

### Added

- Setup repo with license, readme, .gitignore etc.
  - Add nice `examples`.
- Implement 3 different `progressbars` and let them accept values outside of their intervals.
  - One is clamping `float`s to `[0, 1]`.
  - One is counting and mapping `i32` or `u32` from `[a, b]` to `[0, 1]`.
  - One is counting successes and attempts for a given goal `n`.
- Change a bar's progress via methods `set` and `add` using
  - `BernoulliProgress` (which is `pub`)

### Deprecated

- `` is missing
- `BernoulliProgress` has no constructing method like `new()` and no default-implementation.
- Detailled documentation is missing, though examples are good.

