Crate profirust

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§profirust - A PROFIBUS-DP compatible communication stack

profirust is structured according to the layered model of PROFIBUS:

  • The phy module abstracts physical interfaces for RS-485 communication.
  • The fdl module implements the Fieldbus Data Link layer of basic bus communication and token passing between multiple master stations.
  • The dp module implements the PROFIBUS-DP (Decentralized Peripherals) application layer. This is where peripherals are managed and cyclic data exchange is facilitated.


To successfully communicate with a peripheral, you need to initialize and parameterize all layers. Here is an example:

use profirust::{Baudrate, fdl, dp, phy};

// Initialize the DP master:
// =========================
let buffer: [profirust::dp::PeripheralStorage; 4] = Default::default();
let mut dp_master = profirust::dp::DpMaster::new(buffer);
// or with `std`:
// let mut dp_master = dp::DpMaster::new(Vec::new());

// Let's add a peripheral:
// =======================
let remoteio_address = 7;
let remoteio_options = dp::PeripheralOptions {
    // ...
    // best generated using `gsdtool`
    // ...
let mut buffer_inputs = [0u8; 8];
let mut buffer_outputs = [0u8; 4];

let remoteio_handle = dp_master.add(dp::Peripheral::new(
    remoteio_address, remoteio_options, &mut buffer_inputs, &mut buffer_outputs

// Set up the FDL master and parameterize it:
// ==========================================
let master_address = 2;
let mut fdl_master = fdl::FdlMaster::new(
    fdl::ParametersBuilder::new(master_address, Baudrate::B19200)

// Initialize the PHY layer:
// =========================
let mut phy = phy::LinuxRs485Phy::new("/dev/ttyS0", fdl_master.parameters().baudrate);

// Now let's go live:
// ==================

// Main Application Cycle
// ======================
loop {
    let now = profirust::time::Instant::now();
    let events = fdl_master.poll(now, &mut phy, &mut dp_master);

    // Do something whenever new the DP cycle (for all peripherals) completes:
    if events.cycle_completed {
        let remoteio = dp_master.get_mut(remoteio_handle);
        println!("Inputs: {:?}", remoteio.pi_i());

        // Set some output bits
        let pi_q = remoteio.pi_q_mut();
        pi_q[0] = 0x80;


  • DP - Decentralized peripherals
  • FDL - Fieldbus data link
  • PHY - Physical layer abstraction
  • Time structures.


  • Baudrate for fieldbus communication