product-os-vpn 0.0.2

Product OS : VPN provides a fully functioning automation tool for VPN connectivity. When using with Product OS : Proxy, it allows a Rust program to tunnel traffic through a VPN, especially in a dockerised environment
name = "product-os-vpn"
version = "0.0.2" # version - The version of the package.
authors = ["Jeremy de Oliveira-Kumar <>"] # authors - The authors of the package.
edition = "2021" # edition - The Rust edition. 2021
rust-version = "1.69" # rust-version - The minimal supported Rust version. min 1.69
description = "Product OS : VPN provides a fully functioning automation tool for VPN connectivity.  When using with Product OS : Proxy, it allows a Rust program to tunnel traffic through a VPN, especially in a dockerised environment" # description - A description of the package.
# documentation = "" # documentation - URL of the package documentation.
readme = "" # readme - Path to the package’s README file.  Use
# homepage = "" # homepage - URL of the package homepage.
# repository = "" # repository - URL of the package source repository.
license = "AGPL-3.0-only" # license - The package license.
# license-file = "license.txt" # license-file - Path to the text of the license.  Use
keywords = ["product-os"] # keywords - Keywords for the package.
categories = [] # categories - Categories of the package.
# workspace = "" # workspace - Path to the workspace for the package.
build = false # build - Path to the package build script.  default "" or specify
# links = "" # links - Name of the native library the package links with.
exclude = [] # exclude - Files to exclude when publishing.
include = [] # include - Files to include when publishing.
# publish = [] # publish - Can be used to prevent publishing the package. false to prevent publish, list of registries otherwise
# default-run = "" # default-run - The default binary to run by cargo run.
autobins = true # autobins - Disables binary auto discovery.
autoexamples = true # autoexamples - Disables example auto discovery.
autotests = true # autotests - Disables test auto discovery.
autobenches = true # autobenches - Disables bench auto discovery.
resolver = "2" # resolver - Sets the dependency resolver to use.  Use 2 with 2021, 1 prio

tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } # For async capabilities

tracing = { version = "0.1.29", features = [] }
serde = { version = "1.0.132", features = ["derive"] } # Support for serialize/deserialize objects

iso_country = { version = "0.1.4", features = [] }
subprocess = { version = "0.2.9", features = [] }

async-trait = { version = "0.1.59" }
parking_lot = { version = "0.12.1", features = ["send_guard"], default-features = false }

zip-extract = { version = "0.1.1" }

product-os-configuration = { version = ">= 0.0.1", features = [], default-features = true, optional = false }
product-os-security = { version = ">= 0.0.1", features = [], default-features = true, optional = false }
product-os-utilities = { version = ">= 0.0.1", features = ["files"], default-features = true, optional = false }
product-os-request = { version = ">= 0.0.1", features = [], default-features = true, optional = false }
