product-os-command-control 0.0.11

Product OS : Command and Control provides a set of tools for running command and control across a distributed set of Product OS : Servers.

Product OS : Command and Control

Product OS : Command and Control provides a set of tools for running command and control across a distributed set of Product OS : Servers.

What is Product OS?

Product OS is a collection of packages that provide different tools and features that can work together to build products more easily for the Rust ecosystem.


Use the Rust crate package manager cargo to install Product OS : Command and Control.

cargo add product-os-command-control

or add Product OS : Command and Control to your cargo.toml [packages] section.

product-os-command-control = { version = "0.0.11", features = [], default-features = true, optional = false }


Product OS Command and Control supports a number of features leveraging existing Rust libraries to allow self-management of Product OS : Servers:

  • Command and Control authentication framework for safe communication
  • Message passing between Product OS : Servers with encryption without needing shared passwords
  • Ask framework to find out what servers have what capabilities to execute workloads
  • Cron framework to allow for execution of commands on a regular / semi-regular basis
  • Internal registry of all known nodes to ensure to ensure faster performance as requests are made to the server
// Feature samples TODO


// Examples TODO


Contributions are not currently available but will be available on a public repository soon.
