procshot_server 0.1.5

This crate can be used to continuously scan over `/proc` filesystem and write the data to the `datadir`. This is a wrapper over the procfs crate, so the compatibility of this crate depends on the compatibility of procfs crate.

procshot_server Build Status

A lame attempt of a rust crate (refer this for crate documentation) to record /proc stats periodically. This library just records the stats. Processing to be done separately. This is written as a part of learning rust.

Server example

use procshot_server::{Config, check_sudo, scan_proc};
use std::process;
use users::get_current_uid;
use procshot_client;
const DATADIR: &'static str = "/var/log/procshot/data";

fn main() {
    match check_sudo(get_current_uid()) {
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Error encountered checking privileges, {:?}", e);
        _ => (),
    let config: Config = Config::new();
    match config.server{
        true => scan_proc(config.delay, config.hostname, DATADIR),
        false => procshot_client::read_test_data(),

This will generate a binary with the following cli options

 procshot 1.0
 Snapshots proc periodically. All the options except delay works when 'server' option is not used.

     procshot [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

     -h, --help       Prints help information
     -o               Sort result by Memory or CPU. Accepted values are...
     -t               Read stats from a specific time. Accepted format: 2015-09-05 23:56:04
     -V, --version    Prints version information

     -d, --delay <delay>      Sets delay in seconds before it scans /proc every time. Defaults to 60 seconds. [default: 60]

     help      Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
     server    Decides whether to run as server or client

Client example on how to read the stored data

 use std::fs::File;
 use std::io::Read;
 use procshot_server::EncoDecode;
 pub fn read_test_data() {
         let mut file = File::open("./test_data.procshot").unwrap();
         let mut data = Vec::new();
         file.read_to_end(&mut data).unwrap();
         let decoded: EncoDecode = bincode::deserialize(&data[..]).unwrap_or_else(|x| panic!("Error reading saved data. This was either created with an older version of procshot, or the file is corrupt. Error is {}", x));
         println!("Decoded test file data: {:#?}", decoded);

Sample output of stored data

$ sudo ./target/release/procshot

Decoded test file data: EncoDecode {
    hostname: "localghost",
    pid_map_list: {
        169883: PidStatus {
            ppid: 3284,
            euid: 1000,
            cmd_long: [
                "/opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --field-trial-handle=11321657219978072658,9761930160602287450,131072 --lang=en-US --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --enable-auto-reload --num-raster-threads=4 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --service-request-channel-token=1438087544763584805 --renderer-client-id=214 --no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations --shared-files=v8_context_snapshot_data:100,v8_natives_data:101",
            name: "chrome",
            cmd_short: "chrome",
            tracerpid: 0,
            fdsize: 64,
            state: "S (sleeping)",
            vmpeak: Some(
            vmsize: Some(
            rss_pages: 13139,
            rss_bytes: 53817344,
            rsslim_bytes: 18446744073709551615,
            processor_last_executed: Some(
            utime: 5,
            stime: 2,
            user_cpu_usage: 0.0,
            sys_cpu_usage: 0.0,
        2078: PidStatus {
            ppid: 1783,
            euid: 1000,
            cmd_long: [
            name: "at-spi2-registr",
            cmd_short: "at-spi2-registr",
            tracerpid: 0,
            fdsize: 64,
            state: "S (sleeping)",
            vmpeak: Some(
            vmsize: Some(
            rss_pages: 1472,
            rss_bytes: 6029312,
            rsslim_bytes: 18446744073709551615,
            processor_last_executed: Some(
            utime: 1,
            stime: 0,
            user_cpu_usage: 0.0,
            sys_cpu_usage: 0.0,
        2130: PidStatus {
            ppid: 1783,
            euid: 1000,
            cmd_long: [
            name: "gsd-screensaver",
            cmd_short: "gsd-screensaver",
            tracerpid: 0,
            fdsize: 64,
            state: "S (sleeping)",
            vmpeak: Some(
            vmsize: Some(
            rss_pages: 1094,
            rss_bytes: 4481024,
            rsslim_bytes: 18446744073709551615,
            processor_last_executed: Some(
            utime: 1,
            stime: 0,
            user_cpu_usage: 0.0,
            sys_cpu_usage: 0.0,
        2112: PidStatus {
            ppid: 1783,
            euid: 1000,
            cmd_long: [
            name: "gsd-housekeepin",
            cmd_short: "gsd-housekeepin",
            tracerpid: 0,
            fdsize: 64,
            state: "S (sleeping)",
            vmpeak: Some(
            vmsize: Some(
            rss_pages: 1764,
            rss_bytes: 7225344,
            rsslim_bytes: 18446744073709551615,
            processor_last_executed: Some(
            utime: 7,
            stime: 7,
            user_cpu_usage: 0.0,
            sys_cpu_usage: 0.0,
..... snip .....

    time_epoch: 1563617611,
    delay: 5,
    total_cpu_time: 6331606,