procshot_server 0.1.0

This crate can be used to continuously scan over /proc filesystem and write the data to /var/log/procshot/data. This is a wrapper over the procfs crate, so the compatibility of this crate depends on the compatibility of procfs crate.
This crate can be used to continuously scan over `/proc` filesystem and store it in the struct `EncoDecode. This struct is serialized and is written to /var/log/procshot/data. This is a wrapper over the [procfs]( crate, so the compatibility of this crate depends on the compatibility of the [procfs]( crate. The stored data is of type `EncoDecode` and can be read as: # Examples ```rust use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; use procshot_server::EncoDecode; pub fn read_test_data() { let mut file = File::open("./test_data.procshot").unwrap(); let mut data = Vec::new(); file.read_to_end(&mut data).unwrap(); let decoded: EncoDecode = bincode::deserialize(&data[..]).unwrap_or_else(|x| panic!("Error reading saved data. This was either created with an older version of procshot, or the file is corrupt. Error is {}", x)); println!("Decoded test file data: {:#?}", decoded); } ```