procs 0.5.5

A modern replacement for ps
# procs

**procs** is a replacement for `ps` written by [Rust](

[![Build Status](](

## Features

- Output by the colored and human-readable format
- Keyword search over multi-column
- Some additional information which are not supported by `ps`
    - TCP/UDP port
    - Read/Write throughput
    - Docker container name
    - More memory information
- Pager support

## Platform

- Linux is supported.
- macOS is experimentally supported.
    - macOS version is checked on Travis CI environment only.
    - The issues caused by real-machine are welcome.

## Installation

### Download binary

Download from [release page](, and extract to the directory in PATH.

### Cargo

You can install by [cargo](

cargo install procs

### macOS permission issue

In macOS, normal user can't access the process information of other users.
So `procs` requires SUID as the same as `ps` command.
If you add SUID to `procs`, do like below:

$ sudo chown root [procs binary path]
$ sudo chmod u+s  [procs binary path]

## Usage

### Show all processes

Type `procs` only. It shows the information of all processes.

$ procs


### Search by non-numeric keyword

If you add any keyword as argument, it is matched to `USER`, `Command`, `Docker` by default.

$ procs zsh


### Search by numeric keyword

If a numeric is used as the keyword, it is matched to `PID`, `TCP`, `UDP` by default.
Numeric is treated as exact match, and non-numeric is treated as partial match by default.

$ procs --or 6000 60000 60001 16723


Note that procfs permissions only allow identifying listening ports for processes owned by the current user, so not all ports will show up unless run as root.

### Logical operation of search keywords

If there are some keywords, logical operation between the keywords can be specified by commandline option.

- `--and` : The processes to match with all keywords are shown.
- `--or`  : The processes to match with any keyword are shown.
- `--nand`: The processes are shown unless these match with all keywords.
- `--nor` : The processes are shown unless these match with any keyword.

The default operation can be specified by `~/.procs.toml`. See `[search]` section.

### Show Docker container name

If you have access permission to docker daemon ( `unix:///var/run/docker.sock` ), `Docker` column is added.

$ procs growi


Note that procs gets the container information through UNIX domain socket, so [Docker Toolbox]( on macOS ( doesn't use UNIX domain socket ) is not supported.
[Docker Desktop for Mac]( is supported but not tested.

### Pager

If output lines exceed terminal height, pager is used automatically.
This behavior and pager command can be specified by configuration file.

## Configuration

You can change configuration by `~/.procs.toml` like below.
The complete example of `~/.procs.toml` can be generated by `--config` option.

kind = "Pid"
style = "BrightYellow"
numeric_search = true
nonnumeric_search = false

kind = "Username"
style = "BrightGreen"
numeric_search = false
nonnumeric_search = true
align = "Right"

header = "BrightWhite"
unit = "BrightWhite"

color_000 = "BrightBlue"
color_025 = "BrightGreen"
color_050 = "BrightYellow"
color_075 = "BrightRed"
color_100 = "BrightRed"

color_d = "BrightRed"
color_r = "BrightGreen"
color_s = "BrightBlue"
color_t = "BrightCyan"
color_z = "BrightMagenta"
color_x = "BrightMagenta"
color_k = "BrightYellow"
color_w = "BrightYellow"
color_p = "BrightYellow"

color_k = "BrightBlue"
color_m = "BrightGreen"
color_g = "BrightYellow"
color_t = "BrightRed"
color_p = "BrightRed"
color_x = "BrightBlue"

numeric_search = "Exact"
nonnumeric_search = "Partial"
logic = "And"

show_self = false
cut_to_terminal = true
cut_to_pager = false
cut_to_pipe = false
color_mode = "Auto"

column = 0
order = "Ascending"

path = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"

mode = "Auto"

### `[[columns]]` section

`[[columns]]` section defines which columns are used.
The first `[[columns]]` is shown at left side, and the last is shown at right side.

| Key               | Value               | Default | Description                                                 |
| ----------------- | ------------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| kind              | See `kind` list     |         | Column type                                                 |
| style             | See `style` list    |         | Column style                                                |
| numeric_search    | true, false         | false   | Whether the column can be matched with numeric keywords     |
| nonnumeric_search | true, false         | false   | Whether the column can be matched with non-numeric keywords |
| align             | Left, Right, Center | Left    | Text alignment                                              |

#### `kind` list

| procs `kind` | `ps` STANDARD FORMAT  | Description                      | Linux | macOS |
| ------------ | --------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----- | ----- |
| Command      | args                  | Command with all arguments       | o     | o     |
| ContextSw    | -not supported-       | Context switch count             | o     | o     |
| CpuTime      | cputime               | Cumulative CPU time              | o     | o     |
| Docker       | -not supported-       | Docker container name            | o     | o     |
| Eip          | eip                   | Instruction pointer              | o     |       |
| Esp          | esp                   | Stack pointer                    | o     |       |
| Gid          | egid                  | Group ID                         | o     | o     |
| GidFs        | fgid                  | File system group ID             | o     |       |
| GidReal      | rgid                  | Real group ID                    | o     | o     |
| GidSaved     | sgid                  | Saved group ID                   | o     | o     |
| Group        | egroup                | Group name                       | o     | o     |
| GroupFs      | fgroup                | File system group name           | o     |       |
| GroupReal    | rgroup                | Real group name                  | o     | o     |
| GroupSaved   | sgroup                | Saved group name                 | o     | o     |
| MajFlt       | maj_flt               | Major page fault count           | o     | o     |
| MinFlt       | min_flt               | Minor page fault count           | o     | o     |
| Nice         | ni                    | Nice value                       | o     | o     |
| Pid          | pid                   | Process ID                       | o     | o     |
| Policy       | policy                | Scheduling policy                | o     | o     |
| Ppid         | ppid                  | Parent process ID                | o     | o     |
| Priority     | pri                   | Priority                         | o     | o     |
| Processor    | psr                   | Currently assigned processor     | o     |       |
| ReadBytes    | -not supported-       | Read bytes from storage          | o     | o     |
| RtPriority   | rtprio                | Real-time priority               | o     |       |
| Separator    | -not supported-       | Show `\|` for column separation  | o     | o     |
| ShdPnd       | pending               | Pending signal mask for process  | o     |       |
| SigBlk       | blocked               | Blocked signal mask              | o     |       |
| SigCgt       | caught                | Caught signal mask               | o     |       |
| SigIgn       | ignored               | Ignored signal mask              | o     |       |
| SigPnd       | pending               | Pending signal mask for thread   | o     |       |
| StartTime    | start_time            | Starting time                    | o     | o     |
| State        | s                     | Process State                    | o     | o     |
| TcpPort      | -not supported-       | Bound TCP ports                  | o     | o     |
| Threads      | nlwp                  | Thread count                     | o     | o     |
| Tty          | tty                   | Controlling TTY                  | o     | o     |
| UdpPort      | -not supported-       | Bound UDP ports                  | o     | o     |
| Uid          | euid                  | User ID                          | o     | o     |
| UidFs        | fuid                  | File system user ID              | o     |       |
| UidReal      | ruid                  | Real user ID                     | o     | o     |
| UidSaved     | suid                  | Saved user ID                    | o     | o     |
| UsageCpu     | %cpu                  | CPU utilization                  | o     | o     |
| UsageMem     | %mem                  | Memory utilization               | o     | o     |
| User         | euser                 | User name                        | o     | o     |
| UserFs       | fuser                 | File system user name            | o     |       |
| UserReal     | ruser                 | Real user name                   | o     | o     |
| UserSaved    | suser                 | Saved user name                  | o     | o     |
| VmData       | -not supported-       | Data size                        | o     |       |
| VmExe        | trs                   | Text segments size               | o     |       |
| VmHwm        | -not supported-       | Peak resident set size           | o     |       |
| VmLib        | -not supported-       | Library code size                | o     |       |
| VmLock       | -not supported-       | Locked memory size               | o     |       |
| VmPeak       | -not supported-       | Peak virtual memory size         | o     |       |
| VmPin        | -not supported-       | Pinned memory size               | o     |       |
| VmPte        | -not supported-       | Page table entries size          | o     |       |
| VmRss        | rss                   | Resident set size                | o     | o     |
| VmSize       | vsz                   | Physical page size               | o     | o     |
| VmStack      | -not supported-       | Stack size                       | o     |       |
| VmSwap       | -not supported-       | Swapped-out virtual memory size  | o     |       |
| Wchan        | wchan                 | Process sleeping kernel function | o     |       |
| WriteByte    | -not supported-       | Write bytes to storage           | o     | o     |

#### `style` list

- BrightRed
- BrightGreen
- BrightYellow
- BrightBlue
- BrightMagenta
- BrightCyan
- BrightWhite
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Blue
- Magenta
- Cyan
- White
- ByPercentage
- ByState
- ByUnit

There are some special styles like `ByPercentage`, `ByState`, `ByUnit`.
These are the styles for value-aware coloring.
For example, if `ByUnit` is choosen, color can be specified for each unit of value ( like `K`, `M`, `G`,,, ).
The colors can be configured in `[style.by_unit]` section.

### `[style]` section

`[style]` section defines colors of header, unit and each styles.
The available list of color is below.

| Subsection    | Key       | Value            | Default       | Description          |
| ------------- | --------- | ---------------- | ------------- | -------------------- |
|               | header    | See `color` list | BrightWhite   | Header color         |
|               | unit      | See `color` list | BrightWhite   | Unit color           |
| by_percentage | color_000 | See `color` list | BrightBlue    | Color at   0% -  25% |
| by_percentage | color_025 | See `color` list | BrightGreen   | Color at  25% -  50% |
| by_percentage | color_050 | See `color` list | BrightYellow  | Color at  50% -  75% |
| by_percentage | color_075 | See `color` list | BrightRed     | Color at  75% - 100% |
| by_percentage | color_100 | See `color` list | BrightRed     | Color at 100% -      |
| by_state      | color_d   | See `color` list | BrightRed     | Color at `D` state   |
| by_state      | color_r   | See `color` list | BrightGreen   | Color at `R` state   |
| by_state      | color_s   | See `color` list | BrightBlue    | Color at `S` state   |
| by_state      | color_t   | See `color` list | BrightCyan    | Color at `T` state   |
| by_state      | color_z   | See `color` list | BrightMagenta | Color at `Z` state   |
| by_state      | color_x   | See `color` list | BrightMagenta | Color at `X` state   |
| by_state      | color_k   | See `color` list | BrightYellow  | Color at `K` state   |
| by_state      | color_w   | See `color` list | BrightYellow  | Color at `W` state   |
| by_state      | color_p   | See `color` list | BrightYellow  | Color at `P` state   |
| by_unit       | color_k   | See `color` list | BrightBlue    | Color at unit `K`    |
| by_unit       | color_m   | See `color` list | BrightGreen   | Color at unit `M`    |
| by_unit       | color_g   | See `color` list | BrightYellow  | Color at unit `G`    |
| by_unit       | color_t   | See `color` list | BrightRed     | Color at unit `T`    |
| by_unit       | color_p   | See `color` list | BrightRed     | Color at unit `P`    |
| by_unit       | color_x   | See `color` list | BrightBlue    | Color at other unit  |

#### `color` list

- BrightRed
- BrightGreen
- BrightYellow
- BrightBlue
- BrightMagenta
- BrightCyan
- BrightWhite
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Blue
- Magenta
- Cyan
- White

### `[search]` section

`[search]` section defines option for Keyword search.

| Key               | Value              | Default | Description                                             |
| ----------------- | ------------------ | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| numeric_search    | Exact, Partial     | Exact   | Whether numeric keywords match exactly or partially     |
| nonnumeric_search | Exact, Partial     | Partial | Whether non-numeric keywords match exactly or partially |
| logic             | And, Or, Nand, Nor | And     | Logical operation between keywords                      |

### `[display]` section

`[display]` section defines option for output display.

| Key             | Value                 | Default | Description                                                                  |
| --------------- | --------------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| show_self       | true, false           | false   | Whether the self process ( `procs` ) is shown                                |
| cut_to_terminal | true, false           | true    | Whether output lines are truncated for output into terminal                  |
| cut_to_pager    | true, false           | false   | Whether output lines are truncated for output into pager                     |
| cut_to_pipe     | true, false           | false   | Whether output lines are truncated for output into pipe                      |
| color_mode      | Auto, Always, Disable | Auto    | The default behavior of output coloring without `--color` commandline option |

If `color_mode` is `Auto`, color is enabled for terminal and pager, disabled for pipe.

### `[sort]` section

`[sort]` section defines the column used for sort and sort order.

| Key    | Value                 | Default   | Description                     |
| ------ | --------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------- |
| column | [Number]              | 0         | Column number to used for sort  |
| order  | Ascending, Descending | Ascending | Sort order                      |

If `column` is 0, value is sorted by the left column.

### `[docker]` section

`[docker]` section defines how to communicate to docker daemon.

| Key  | Value  | Default                     | Description                         |
| ---- | ------ | --------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| path | [Path] | unix:///var/run/docker.sock | UNIX domain socket to docker daemon |

### `[pager]` section

`[pager]` section defines the behavior of pager.

| Key     | Value                 | Default  | Description                                                              |
| ------- | --------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| mode    | Auto, Always, Disable | Auto     | The default behavior of pager usage without `--pager` commandline option |
| command | [Command]             | less -SR | Pager command                                                            |

If `mode` is `Auto`, pager is used only when output lines exceed terminal height.
Default pager is `less -SR` ( if `less` is not found, `more -f` ).