Crate procfs

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This crate provides to an interface into the linux procfs filesystem, usually mounted at /proc.

This is a pseudo-filesystem which is available on most every linux system and provides an interface to kernel data structures.

Kernel support

Not all fields/data are available in each kernel. Some fields were added in specific kernel releases, and other fields are only present in certain kernel configuration options are enabled. These are represented as Option fields in this crate.

This crate aims to support all 2.6 kernels


In almost all cases, the documentation is taken from the proc.5 manual page. This means that sometimes the style of writing is not very “rusty”, or may do things like reference related files (instead of referencing related structs). Contributions to improve this are welcome.


This crate is not panic-free. It will panic if it encounters data in some unexpected format; this represents a bug in this crate, and should be reported.


Here’s a small example that prints out all processes that are running on the same tty as the calling process. This is very similar to what “ps” does in its default mode. You can run this example yourself with:

cargo run –example=ps

extern crate procfs;

fn main() {
    let me = procfs::Process::myself().unwrap();
    let tps = procfs::ticks_per_second().unwrap();

    println!("{: >5} {: <8} {: >8} {}", "PID", "TTY", "TIME", "CMD");

    let tty = format!("pty/{}", me.stat.tty_nr().1);
    for prc in procfs::all_processes() {
        if prc.stat.tty_nr == me.stat.tty_nr {
            // total_time is in seconds
            let total_time =
                (prc.stat.utime + prc.stat.stime) as f32 / (tps as f32);
                "{: >5} {: <8} {: >8} {}",
      , tty, total_time, prc.stat.comm

Here’s another example that will print out all of the open and listening TCP sockets, and their corresponding processes, if know. This mimics the “netstat” utility, but for TCP only. You can run this example yourself with:

cargo run –example=netstat

extern crate procfs;

use procfs::{Process, FDTarget};
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let all_procs = procfs::all_processes();

    // build up a map between socket inodes and processes:
    let mut map: HashMap<u32, &Process> = HashMap::new();
    for process in &all_procs {
        if let Ok(fds) = process.fd() {
            for fd in fds {
                if let FDTarget::Socket(inode) = {
                    map.insert(inode, process);

    // get the tcp table
    let tcp = procfs::tcp().unwrap();
    let tcp6 = procfs::tcp6().unwrap();
    println!("{:<26} {:<26} {:<15} {:<8} {}", "Local address", "Remote address", "State", "Inode", "PID/Program name");
    for entry in tcp.into_iter().chain(tcp6) {
        // find the process (if any) that has an open FD to this entry's inode
        let local_address = format!("{}", entry.local_address);
        let remote_addr = format!("{}", entry.remote_address);
        let state = format!("{:?}", entry.state);
        if let Some(process) = map.get(&entry.inode) {
            println!("{:<26} {:<26} {:<15} {:<8} {}/{}", local_address, remote_addr, state, entry.inode,, process.stat.comm);
        } else {
            // We might not always be able to find the process assocated with this socket
            println!("{:<26} {:<26} {:<15} {:<8} -", local_address, remote_addr, state, entry.inode);


Represents the data from /proc/cpuinfo.
This struct contains I/O statistics for the process, built from /proc/<pid>/io
Represents a kernel version, in major.minor.release version.
Load average figures.
This struct reports statistics about memory usage on the system, based on the /proc/meminfo file.
Represents an entry in a /proc/<pid>/maps file.
Only NFS mounts provide additional statistics in MountStat entries.
Mount information from /proc/<pid>/mountstats.
Represents NFS data from /proc/<pid>/mountstats under the section bytes.
Represents NFS data from /proc/<pid>/mountstats under the section events.
Represents NFS data from /proc/<pid>/mountstats under the section of per-op statistics.
Represents a process in /proc/<pid>.
Status information about the process, based on the /proc/<pid>/stat file.
An entry in the TCP socket table


Error type for most procfs functions
Represents the state of a process.


The boottime of the system.
Information about the cgroup controllers that are compiled into the kernel
Returns a configuration options used to build the currently running kernel
Memory page size, in bytes.
Reads the tcp socket table
Reads the tcp6 socket table
Return the number of ticks per second.

Type Definitions