Module probminhash::probminhasher

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Implementation of ProbMinHash2, ProbMinHash3 and ProbMinHash3a as described in O. Ertl

  • ProbminHash3a is the fastest but at the cost of some internal storage.

  • Probminhash3 is the same algorithm without the time optimization requiring more storage.
    It can be used in streaming

  • Probminhash2 is statistically equivalent to P-Minhash as described in : Moulton Jiang “Maximally consistent sampling and the Jaccard index of probability distributions” or
    It is given as a fallback in case ProbminHash3* algorithms do not perform well, or for comparison.

  • ProbMinHash3aSha is a variation of probminhash3a dedicated to hashing of types not implementing Copy.
    This implementation uses Sha512_256 hashing for initialization the random generator (Xoshiro256PlusPlus) with 256 bits seed and reduces the risk of collisions.
    Counted objects must satisfy the trait Sig instead of Hash for the preceding algorithms, but they do not need to satisfy Copy. It is more adapted to hashing Strings or Vec<u8>

  • ProbOrminhash2 is a locality-sensitive hashing for the edit distance implemented over ProbMinHash2 as in Ertl’s probordminhash2. It is inspired by Marcais.G et al. BioInformatics 2019. Cf



  • probminhash2 implementation Probminhash2 is statistically equivalent to P-Minhash as described in : Moulton Jiang “Maximally consistent sampling and the Jaccard index of probability distributions”
  • Implementation of ProbMinHash3 and ProbMinHash3a as described in O. Ertl
  • Implementation of ProbMinHash3a as described in O. Ertl
  • implementation of ordminhash based upon Probminhash2
  • a Trait for object needing to provide an id in the form of a [u8] slice to be fed in Sha hash functions with