[][src]Module probminhash::probminhasher

Implementation of ProbMinHash2, ProbMinHash3 and ProbMinHash3a as described in O. Ertl

  • ProbminHash3a is the fastest but at the cost of some internal storage.
  • Probminhash3 is the same algorithm without the time optimization requiring more storage.
    It can be used in streaming
  • Probminhash2 is statistically equivalent to P-Minhash as described in : Moulton Jiang "Maximally consistent sampling and the Jaccard index of probability distributions" https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8637426 or https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.04052.
    It is given as a fallback in case ProbminHash3* algorithms do not perform well, or for comparison.

The generic type D must satisfy D:Copy+Eq+Hash+Debug
The algorithms requires random generators to be initialized by the objects so we need to map (at least approximately injectively) objects into a u64 so the of objcts must satisfy Hash. If D is of type u64 it is possible to use a NoHasher (cd module nohasher)



Structure for defining exponential sampling of parameter lambda with support restricted to unit interval [0,1).


Fisher Yates random permutation generation (sampling without replacement), with lazy generation of an array of size n


implementation of the algorithm ProbMinHash2 as described in Ertl paper.


implementation of the algorithm ProbMinHash3a as described in Etrl.
It needs less memory than Probminhash3 but can be a little slower.
Probminhash3 needs at least 2 hash values to run.


implementation of the algorithm ProbMinHash3a as described in Etrl.
This version of ProbMinHash3 is faster but needs some more memory as it stores some states between 2 passes on data.



A Trait to define association of a weight to an object. Typically we could implement trait WeightedSet for any collection of Object if we have a function giving a weight to each object Then hash_wset function can be used.



computes the weighted jaccard index of 2 signatures. The 2 signatures must come from two equivalent instances of the same ProbMinHash algorithm with the same number of hash signatures