prob_prime 0.2.0

Probabilistic algorithms for checking whether integer is prime or not. Implements Rabin-Miller test and Baillie-PSW test. Strictly speaking, these are 'compositionality' tests i.e the algorithms check whether a number is composite - if deemed so (output=true) then the number is certainly composite; if the output is false, then the number is prime with high probability.
version = "0.2.0"

version = "0.6.0"

authors = ["VanLeeuwarden"]
description = "Probabilistic algorithms for checking whether integer is prime or not. Implements Rabin-Miller test and Baillie-PSW test. Strictly speaking, these are 'compositionality' tests i.e the algorithms check whether a number is composite - if deemed so (output=true) then the number is certainly composite; if the output is false, then the number is prime with high probability."
license = "MIT"
name = "prob_prime"
version = "0.2.0"