primal 0.2.0

A library to generate, identify and handle prime numbers and related properties. This library includes slow enumeration of primes up to a bound, slow factorisation of arbitrary numbers, fast primality tests and state-of-the-art estimation of upper and lower bounds for π(n) (the number of primes below n) and p_k (the k-th prime).

name = "primal"
version = "0.2.0"
authors = ["Huon Wilson <>"]

homepage = ""
repository = ""
documentation = ""
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
keywords = ["math", "mathematics", "primes", "number-theory"]
readme = ""
description = """
A library to generate, identify and handle prime numbers and related
properties.  This library includes slow enumeration of primes up to a
bound, slow factorisation of arbitrary numbers, fast primality tests
and state-of-the-art estimation of upper and lower bounds for π(n)
(the number of primes below n) and p_k (the k-th prime).

primal-check = { path = "primal-check", version = "0.2" }
primal-estimate = { path = "primal-estimate", version = "0.2" }
primal-sieve = { path = "primal-sieve", version = "0.2" }

unstable = ["primal-sieve/unstable"]