prima_bridge 0.7.2

A library to implement the bridge pattern
skip_core_tasks = true

description = "Runs the rust compiler."
category = "Build"
install_crate = false
command = "cargo"
args = [

dependencies = ["test-blocking", "test-async"]

command = "cargo"
args = ["test", "--features", "blocking"]
dependencies = ["build"]

command = "cargo"
args = ["test", "--features", "gzip"]
dependencies = ["build"]

### with cargo-limit installed
description = "Runs the rust compiler."
category = "Build"
install_crate = false
command = "cargo"
args = [

dependencies = ["ltest-blocking", "ltest-async"]

command = "cargo"
args = ["ltest", "--features", "blocking"]
dependencies = ["lbuild"]

command = "cargo"
args = ["ltest"]
dependencies = ["lbuild"]

command = "cargo"
args = ["clean"]

description = "Runs the cargo rustfmt plugin during CI."
command = "cargo"
args = ["fmt", "--all", "--", "--check"]

command = "cargo"
args = ["clippy", "--", "-D", "warnings"]

description = "Build inside CI."
command = "cargo"
args = ["build", "-j", "2", "--all-features"]

description = "Clean CI cache"
dependencies = ["cargo-prune", "sweep", "delete-artifacts"]

description = "Clean cargo cache with sweep"
command = "cargo sweep -t 10"

description = "Run cargo prune"
command = "cargo"
args = ["prune"]

description = "Remove non cachable artifacts"
script = [
set -e
set -x
find ./target/debug -type f -maxdepth 1 -delete || true
rm -rfv ./target/{debug,release}/deps/{*prima_bridge*,*decode_key*,*gen_public_key*,*intermediari_importer*,*migrate*,*rabbit_worker*,*seed*}
rm -rfv ./target/{debug,release}/.fingerprint/*prima_bridge*

description = "Start cargo sweep"
command = "cargo"
args = ["sweep", "-s"]

description = "Run cargo sweep cleanup"
command = "cargo"
args = ["sweep", "-f"]

description = "Print cache size"
command = "du"
args = ["-sh", "target", ".cargo"]