prettyprint 0.3.0

Print beautifully formatted files and strings to your terminal
# prettyprint 

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Syntax highlighting library with batteries included.

## Quick start


The above output was created with the following code:

let printer = PrettyPrinter::default()


Note that `prettyprint` is a [builder]( and can be customized. For example, if you don't like the grid or the header, you can disable those:

let printer = PrettyPrinter::default()

let example = r#"
def fib(n)        
    return 1 if n <= 1
    fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
printer.string_with_header(example, "fib.rb")?;

"What!? It can also print strings, Matthias? That's insane."  
It's true. You're welcome.

## Installation

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

prettyprint = "*"

## But why?

[`syntect`]( is a great package for highlighting text.  
When writing a command-line tool that prints text however, you might be looking for some additional functionality.

* Line numbers
* More built-in color-themes
* Automatic pagination
* Proper terminal handling
* Showing non-printable characters
* File headers
* Windows support

`prettyprint` offers all of this in one crate (thanks to [bat](  

## Known limitations

* Doesn't run on `no-std` targets. I don't plan to support those.

## Credits

`prettyprint` is simply a fork of [`bat`](, with some functionality stripped out and bundled up as a library. 
I built it, because [I needed it]( for [cargo-inspect](
All credits go to the original authors.