pretty_assertions 0.7.2

Overwrite `assert_eq!` and `assert_ne!` with drop-in replacements, adding colorful diffs.
# Unreleased

# v0.7.2

- Fix macro hygiene for expansion in a `no_implicit_prelude` context ([#70], [@tommilligan]

# v0.7.1

- Fix a bug where multiline changes showed an unhelpful inline diff ([#66], [@tommilligan]

# v0.7.0

## Changed

- Move from `difference` to `diff` for calculating diffs. The exact assertion messages generated may differ from previous versions. ([#52], [@tommilligan]

For example, the following assertion message from `v0.7.0`:

![pretty assertion](

Was previously rendered like this in `v0.6.1`:

![pretty assertion](

## Added

- Support for unsized values ([#42], [@stanislav-tkach]
- Document the `Comparison` struct, which was previously hidden. This can be used to generate a pretty diff of two values without panicking. ([#52], [@tommilligan]

## Fixed

- Fix some unhygenic macro expansions ([#41], [@tommilligan]

## Internal

- Test Windows targets in CI ([#46], [@tommilligan]
- Bump `ansi_term` version to 0.12 ([#34], [@waywardmonkeys]
- Code health improvements ([#34], [@waywardmonkeys]