pretty 0.12.3

Wadler-style pretty-printing combinators in Rust
name = "pretty"
version = "0.12.3"
authors = [ "Jonathan Sterling <>", "Darin Morrison <>", "Markus Westerlind <>"]
description = "Wadler-style pretty-printing combinators in Rust"
documentation = ""
keywords = ["console", "functional", "pretty-printing"]
license = "MIT"
readme = ""
repository = ""
edition = "2018"

features = ["termcolor"]

# The newer versions of arrayvec are larger due to forced u32 lengths, would need to drop down Smalltext to 16 bytes
# to not see any size increase so I'd rather stick with the older version for now
arrayvec = "0.5"
typed-arena = "2.0.0"
termcolor = { version = "1.1.0", optional = true }
unicode-width = "0.1"

criterion = "0.4"
difference = "2"
expect-test = "1"
tempfile = "3.1.0"

name = "trees"

name = "colored"
required-features = ["termcolor"]

name = "trees"
harness = false