pretty-exec 0.0.34

Print a command and then execute it
# Pretty Exec

[![Travis Build Status](](

Print a command and then execute it.

## Usage

### Print a command and then execute it

pretty-exec -- <program> [arguments]...

### Print a command only

pretty-exec --skip-exec -- <program> [arguments]...

### Group command output in a group in a GitHub Action logs

pretty-exec --github-actions -- <program> [arguments]...

### Print help message

pretty-exec --help

## Installation

### From []

cargo install pretty-exec

### From [GitHub Release]

Just go to [the release page]( and download suitable binary.

### From [the Arch User Repository (AUR)]

#### [Build from source]

yay -S pretty-exec

#### [Download prebuilt binary]

yay -S pretty-exec-bin

## License

[MIT]( © [Hoàng Văn Khải](