preserves 4.995.2

Implementation of the Preserves serialization format via serde.
cargo add preserves

This crate ([`preserves` on]( implements
[Preserves]( for Rust. It provides the core
[semantics]( as well as both the [human-readable
text syntax][crate::value::text] (a superset of JSON) and [machine-oriented binary
format][crate::value::packed] (including
[canonicalization]( for Preserves.

This crate is the foundation for others such as

 - [`preserves-schema`], which implements [Preserves
 - [`preserves-path`], which implements [Preserves
   Path](; and
 - [`preserves-tools`], which provides command-line
   utilities for working with Preserves, in particular
   [`preserves-tool`], a kind of Preserves
   Swiss-army knife.

It also includes [Serde]( support (modules [de], [ser], [symbol], [set]).