prefix-trie 0.2.4

Prefix trie datastructure (both a set and a map) that provides exact and longest-prefix matches.
//! Formatting implementation for the PrefixMap

use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter, Result};

use super::*;

impl<P: Debug, T: Debug> Debug for PrefixMap<P, T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        DebugPrefixMap(self, 0).fmt(f)

struct DebugPrefixMap<'a, P, T>(&'a PrefixMap<P, T>, usize);

impl<'a, P: Debug, T: Debug> Debug for DebugPrefixMap<'a, P, T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        let map = self.0;
        let idx = self.1;
        let node = &map.table[idx];
        match (node.value.as_ref(), node.left, node.right) {
            (None, None, None) => node.prefix.fmt(f),
            (None, None, Some(child)) | (None, Some(child), None) => f
                .entry(&node.prefix, &Self(map, child))
            (None, Some(left), Some(right)) => f
                .entry(&node.prefix, &(Self(map, left), Self(map, right)))
            (Some(v), None, None) => f.debug_map().entry(&node.prefix, v).finish(),
            (Some(v), None, Some(child)) | (Some(v), Some(child), None) => f
                .entry(&node.prefix, &(v, Self(map, child)))
            (Some(v), Some(left), Some(right)) => f
                .entry(&node.prefix, &(v, Self(map, left), Self(map, right)))

impl<P: Debug> Debug for PrefixSet<P> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        DebugPrefixMap(&self.0, 0).fmt(f)