prctl 0.1.1

This package provides safe abstraction to the linux prctl() interface. Some functions may be architecture-specific. failed to build prctl-0.1.1
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Visit the last successful build: prctl-1.0.0


Rust library providing the prctl abstraction

Module provides safe abstraction over the prctl interface. Provided functions map to a single prctl() call, although some of them may be usable only on a specific architecture or only with root privileges. All known enums that may be used as parameters are provided in this crate.

Each function provides result which will be Err(errno) in case the prctl() call fails.

To run tests requiring root privileges, enable feature "root_test".


Most functions set/get flags or set/get options. They can be used in the following way:

// Allow core dumping

// Get current timer slack
let slack = !try(prctl::get_timer_slack());

// Send signal 6 after dying

// Set current process name

// Disable access to the timestamp counter
use prctl::PrctlTsc;