pravega-controller-client 0.3.2

An internal library used by the Rust client for Pravega to talk to the Pravega controller.

name = "pravega-controller-client"

version = "0.3.2"

edition = "2018"

build = ""

categories = ["network-programming"]

keywords = ["streaming", "client", "pravega"]

readme = ""

repository = ""

license = "Apache-2.0"

description = "An internal library used by the Rust client for Pravega to talk to the Pravega controller."

authors = ["Tom Kaitchuck <>", "Wenqi Mou <>",

           "Sandeep Shridhar <>", "Wenxiao Zhang <>"]


pravega-client-shared = { path = "../shared", version = "0.3"}

pravega-wire-protocol = { path = "../wire_protocol", version = "0.3"}

pravega-client-retry = {path = "../retry", version = "0.3"}

pravega-connection-pool = {path = "../connection_pool", version = "0.3" }

pravega-client-config = {path = "../config", version = "0.3"}

async-trait = "0.1"

prost = "0.8"

snafu = "0.6"

tokio = { version = "1.1", features = ["full"] }

tonic = { version = "0.5", features = ["tls"] }

derive_more = "0.99.9"

ordered-float = "2.7"

uuid = {version = "0.8", features = ["v4"]}

clap = {version = "2.33", optional = true}

structopt = {version = "0.3", optional = true}

im = "15"

tracing = "0.1"

jsonwebtoken = "7"

serde = {version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

futures = "0.3"

tokio-rustls = "0.22.0"

num = "0.4"

num-derive = "0.3"

num-traits = "0.2"


tonic-build = "0.5"


name = "controller-cli"

path = "src/"

#Work around for issue

required-features = ["cli"]


default = ["cli"]

cli = ["clap", "structopt"]