Crate prae[][src]

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This crate provides a convenient macro that allows you to generate type wrappers that promise to always uphold arbitrary invariants that you specified.


Let’s create a Username type. It will be a wrapper around non-empty String:

prae::define!(pub Username: String ensure |u| !u.is_empty());

// We can't create an invalid username.

// But we can create a valid type!
let mut u = Username::new("valid name").unwrap();
assert_eq!(u.get(), "valid name");

// We can mutate it:
assert!(u.try_mutate(|u| *u = "new name".to_owned()).is_ok());
assert_eq!(u.get(), "new name"); // our name has changed!

// But we can't make it invalid:
assert!(u.try_mutate(|u| *u = "".to_owned()).is_err());
assert_eq!(u.get(), "new name"); // our name hasn't changed!

// Let's try this...
assert!(Username::new("  ").is_ok()); // looks kind of invalid though :(

As you can see, the last example treats " " as a valid username, but it’s not. We can of course do something like Username::new(s.trim()) every time, but why should we do it ourselves? Let’s automate it!

prae::define! {
    pub Username: String
    adjust |u| *u = u.trim().to_string()
    ensure |u| !u.is_empty()

let mut u = Username::new(" valid name \n\n").unwrap();
assert_eq!(u.get(), "valid name"); // now we're talking!

// This also works for mutations:
assert!(matches!(u.try_mutate(|u| *u = "   ".to_owned()), Err(prae::ValidationError)));

Now our Username trims provided value automatically.

You might noticed that prae::ValidationError is returned by default when our construction/mutation fails. Altough it’s convenient, there are situations when you might want to return a custom error. And prae can help with this:

pub struct UsernameError;

prae::define! {
    pub Username: String
    adjust   |u| *u = u.trim().to_string()
    validate |u| -> Option<UsernameError> {
        if u.is_empty() {
        } else {

assert!(matches!(Username::new("  "), Err(UsernameError)));


Convenience macro that defines a guarded type that promises to be always valid. It may be used in different ways, see examples section for details.


A thin wrapper around an underlying type and a Guard bounded to it. It guarantees to always hold specified invariants and act as close as possible to the underlying type.

Default validation error. It is used for define! macro with ensure keyword.


A trait that represents a guard bound, e.g. a type that is being guarded, adjust/validate functions and a possible validation error.