pqc_kyber 0.4.0

A rust implementation of the post-quantum Kyber KEM algorithm
// Name:        verify
// Description: Compare two arrays for equality in constant time.
// Arguments:   const [u8] a: first byte array
//              const [u8] b: second byte array
//              size_t len:             length of the byte arrays
// Returns 0 if the byte arrays are equal, 1 otherwise
pub fn verify(a: &[u8], b: &[u8], len: usize) -> u8
  let mut r = 0u64;
  for i in 0..len {
    r |= (a[i] ^ b[i]) as u64;
  r = r.wrapping_neg() >> 63;
  r as u8

// Name:        cmov
// Description: Copy len bytes from x to r if b is 1;
//              don't modify x if b is 0. Requires b to be in {0,1};
//              assumes two's complement representation of negative integers.
//              Runs in constant time.
// Arguments:   [u8] r:       output byte array
//              const [u8] x: input byte array
//              size_t len:             Amount of bytes to be copied
//              [u8]  b:        Condition bit; has to be in {0,1}
pub fn cmov(r: &mut[u8], x: &[u8], len: usize, mut b: u8)
  b = b.wrapping_neg();
  for i in 0..len {
    r[i] ^= b & (x[i] ^ r[i]);