powerpack 0.1.2

⚡ Supercharge your Alfred workflows by building them in Rust!

⚡ powerpack

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Supercharge your Alfred 🎩 workflows by building them in Rust 🦀!

🚀 Getting started

This project contains a powerpack crate which provides types for developing script filter Alfred workflows in Rust. It also provides a command line tool to initialize, build, and install workflows built using the powerpack crate.

Firstly, install the command line tool.

cargo install powerpack-cli

Now create a new project using a similar API as cargo new or cargo init.

powerpack new myworkflow

This will create a new Rust project as well as a workflow/ directory containing information about your Alfred workflow. The following will create a release build of the workflow and copy it to the workflow/ directory.

powerpack build --release

Now you can link it. The following will symlink the workflow/ directory to the Alfred preferences folder.

powerpack link

To package a .alfredworkflow file for release you can run the following.

powerpack package

GitHub Action

setup-powerpack can be used to install powerpack in a GitHub Actions workflow. For example:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - uses: extractions/setup-powerpack@v1
  - run: powerpack package
  # produces an artifact at `target/workflow/{name}.alfredworkflow`

💡 Examples

The following projects are built using powerpack.


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