powerline-rs 0.1.2

powerline-shell rewritten in Rust. Inspired by powerline-go.
powerline-rs-0.1.2 is not a library.


powerline-rs is a rewrite of powerline-shell, inspired by powerline-go.


Speed! I would argue that even the debug version of powerline-rs at least feels faster than powerline-go. The Rust language is perfect for fast applications, since copying large objects isn't implicit.

How to install

Easiest way to install is with the Arch Linux AUR.
If you don't use Arch Linux, you could do it with cargo:

cargo install powerline-rs

Then add the following code to your shell:

What's new?

Well, the default modules have changed to not include the username and hostname. I feel like most people already know that. But you can always enable it, of course!

What's optimized?

  • Generally just using Rust.
  • Using libgit2 over calling and parsing git output (Thanks tbodt for suggesting it!)
  • libgit2 can be disabled at compile time if you don't plan on using git functionality.
  • Themes are using a simple small key=value scripts. No JSON overhead or similar.
  • The output of powerline-rs is slightly smaller than the 2 alternatives I mentioned. To be honest, I have no idea why.

What's removed?

Most of the service-specific modules are deleted. I am very lazy.
Pull requests are welcome, though.

Also, the jobs module won't work with --shell bare.

Add it to your shell


prompt() {
    PS1="$(powerline-rs --shell bash $?)"


function fish_prompt
    powerline-rs --shell bare $status


prompt() {
    PS1="$(powerline-rs --shell zsh $?)"