postgres-tx-retry 0.0.3

Transaction retry helpers for PostgreSQL compatibale databases

PostgreSQL / CockroachDB Async Transaction Retries for Rust

Asynchronous and synchronous Postgres protocol transaction retries.

Providing a mechanism for serialized transaction retries for PostgresSQL compatible databases in Rust.

Error Type Requirements

The closure over the transaction must return an error that implements Into<postgres_tx_retry::Error<E>> and for serialization failure determination, your error type should implement (depending on enabled features):

  • From<deadpool::managed::PoolError<tokio_postgres::Error>>
  • From<tokio_postgres::Error>
  • From<r2d2::Error>

A basic error type might be:

pub enum MyError {
    Message(&'static str),

impl Into<postgres_tx_retry::Error<Self>> for MyError {
    fn into(self) -> postgres_tx_retry::Error<Self> {
        match self {
            Self::Pool(e) => postgres_tx_retry::Error::Pool(e),
            Self::Postgres(e) => postgres_tx_retry::Error::Postgres(e),
            Self::R2d2(e) => postgres_tx_retry::Error::R2d2(e),
            _ => postgres_tx_retry::Error::Other(self),

impl<E> From<postgres_tx_retry::Error<E>> for MyError
    E: Into<Self>,
    fn from(src: postgres_tx_retry::Error<E>) -> Self {
        match src {
            postgres_tx_retry::Error::Pool(e) => Self::Pool(e),
            postgres_tx_retry::Error::Postgres(e) => Self::Postgres(e),
            postgres_tx_retry::Error::R2d2(e) => Self::R2d2(e),
            postgres_tx_retry::Error::Other(e) => e.into(),

Asynchronous Example

let values = Arc::new("London");
let population = tx(&pool, COCKROACH_SAVEPOINT, |tx| {
    let values = values.clone();

    Box::pin(async move {
        let name = values.as_ref();
        let row = tx
                "SELECT population FROM city WHERE name = $1",


Synchronous Example

let name = "London";
let population = tx_sync(&db, COCKROACH_SAVEPOINT, |tx| {
    let row = tx.query_one(
        "SELECT population FROM city WHERE name = $1",
