

Container for a postgis::ewkb::GeometryCollectionT, use that structure in Insertable or Queryable struct.

Container for a postgis::ewkb::LineStringT, use that structure in Insertable or Queryable struct.

Container for a postgis::ewkb::MultiLineStringT, use that structure in Insertable or Queryable struct.

Container for a postgis::ewkb::MultiPointT, use that structure in Insertable or Queryable struct.

Container for a postgis::ewkb::MultiPolygonT, use that structure in Insertable or Queryable struct.

Container for a postgis::ewkb::Point, use that structure in Insertable or Queryable struct.

Container for a postgis::ewkb::PolygonT, use that structure in Insertable or Queryable struct.